Chapter 12

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After we've stayed and talked with everyone at the table after dinner, Jay turns to me and says, "Do you want to go and dance?"

I nod so I take his hand and allow him to lead me to the dance floor. We dance together and have a great time for a few songs and then the DJ says, "Alright folks, we're going to slow things down for a couple songs so grab a partner and have some fun."

Jay looks over at me and I nod. We move closer together and he places his hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and then 'I Found' by Amber Run begins to play. As we begin to sway to the music I rest my head on his chest and he rests his head on top of mine. I smile as the lyrics about finding love where you never thought you would begin to fill the ballroom.

As we continue to slow dance I lift my head and look into his green eyes with a slight hint of blue as he peers down into my amber ones. We hold eye contact and the whole world around us stops. Jay and I never stop looking at each other and it feels as if we're the only two people in the world. He flashes his toothy smirk and I can't help but smile warmly up at him.

Once the last chords of the song begin to fade out we're brought back to reality. We smile at each other and then I take his hand and we exit the dance floor. We find a spot to sit along the edge of the ballroom and then he says, "I'll go get us some drinks."

I nod and watch as he walks over to the bar. While I wait for Jay to return Aunt Trudy walks up with a man I don't believe I've ever met before. She smiles warmly at me and pulls me into her tight embrace. When we pull apart she says, "Evelyn, this is my fiancé Randy. Randy, this is my niece Evelyn. I've been looking after her since she was just a tot."

I smile at her and then turn to Randy and say, "It's a pleasure to meet you. How long have you been engaged for?"

Randy looks over at Aunt Trudy, smiles, and then says, "About a week. I've known her for almost two years though."

The three of us smile and continue to chat. A couple of minutes later Jay walks up and hands me my drink. I smile at him and thank him. When Aunt Trudy sees this she says, "Evelyn, why are you dating Halstead? That's a very bad idea. He's been trouble ever since he walked into my district."

I look at her in shock and then say, "Jay and I are not dating. We're just friends spending the night together."

She chuckles and then begins to walk away. She then turns back over her shoulder and says, "Don't say I didn't warn you!"

I chuckle nervously and then turn to Jay and say, "I'm so sorry about my Aunt. You know how she can be when she gets an idea into her head."

Halstead laughs and says, "Boy, don't I ever."

I chuckle and then we go to find the desert table.


Hey guys! Thank you all for 5 080 reads! If you haven't listened to I Found by Amber Run yet, I strongly recommend doing so as it's very important to the rest of the story. I'll put it at the top to make it easier to listen to.

Just a heads up, I get my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday so I'm not sure when I'll be able to update next. I'll do my best to make sure that it's not too long, but I don't expect it to be anytime in the next week.

I hope that you all have a great week and thank you for being such amazing readers! -Becca

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