Chapter 21

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Jay and I get seated at a small table with plush chairs tucked into a quiet corner of the restaurant. We both order a beer and then order our meals. After we've both had a sip of our drinks he says, "So, tell me about your family."

I let out a sigh and say, "Well, my sister Piper has stolen the spotlight since she was born. I was three at the time. I was born through a surrogate mother as my parents were told that my mom would never be able to carry a baby to term. When they decided that they wanted a second baby they wanted to try themselves before resorting to a surrogate mother a second time. My Mom became pregnant and successfully carried Piper to term so she became their little miracle. My parents never truly cared for what I did."

Jay frowns at what I've just said and says, "I'm sorry to hear that. But what about Platt? You two seem really close."

I smile at the mention of Aunt Trudy and reply. "She took me under her wing pretty early. Anything I wanted and my parents wouldn't do for me, she would. She was the one who signed me up for kickboxing and paid for all of it. She was at every match and was my biggest supporter in anything I did. I was the daughter she never had and she was the mother I had always dreamed of. Aunt Trudy is the whole reason I became part of the CPD. I saw where she worked and how good she was at it and I knew that I wanted to be an officer, just like her. She was the only one at my graduation from the academy but I was okay with that because she fueled that dream."

Jay smiles at that and says, "That's actually really sweet. I had no idea that Platt had that much of a soft side."

I laugh at that and say, "I'm the only one she has a soft side for."

Jay has a good laugh at that one and I can't help but smile. I take a sip of my beer and then say, "So what about your family?"

Jay gets a troubled look on his face and says, "It's not the best. When I was 12 and my younger brother Will was 10 our Mom left. She didn't want to be a mom anymore and on top of that she was seeing another guy. Our Dad took the divorce pretty hard and ended up dying from an overdose of his anti-depressants six months later. None of our family was deemed fit to look after Will and me so one of our Mom's friends stepped forward and said she'd take us. She and her husband were both doctor's so anything we wanted, we got. They did their best to make us feel loved but I knew it was really just pity. They didn't want us to end up like our Mom or Dad and that was clear as day to me. After I graduated high school I booked it out of there and joined the Army Rangers. I haven't talked to them since."

Jay takes a sip of his beer and continues. "Will moved to New York while I was overseas and became a doctor. He got involved in a pretty nasty plastic surgery business so he came back to Chicago a few months ago to start fresh. We've started talking again but because it's been so long things are still a little rocky. We're figuring out how to be brothers again but we'll get there."

Once everything I've just been told has had a chance to sink in I reach across the table and take Jay's hand in mine. I give it a squeeze and say, "Wow Jay, I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like hell."

He shrugs and then our food arrives. We eat in silence and then Jay pays and we go out to his car. We drive to my apartment and when we arrive I thank him for the amazing night. He seconds that and then I exit the car and go into my apartment building.


Hey guys! Sorry that it's been so long but thank you for 17 500 reads!

So I think I'm finally getting over this cold thanks to some antibiotics and an inhaler so because of that I don't think it'll be so long until the next update. I think I've also established a good system for updating so that should also help my updates occur more frequently.

Thank you all for being so patient, and have an amazing weekend! -Becca

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