Chapter 17

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Everyone is looking at their computers with tense expressions when Jay pipes up by saying, "I just got into contact with Jacob's parole officer. He said that Jacob checked in with him about an hour earlier than usual, about twenty minutes before Evelyn left her place, but thought nothing of it. He has a job at a restoration site downtown, really close to where the shots were fired at Evelyn. I just sent you all the address for the building."

Voight nods approvingly and says, "Good work. Everyone suit up and make your way to the building. No lights or sirens as we don't want Jacob to have any knowledge that we're coming."

We all nod and go down to the garage. I put my heavy, black, bullet-proof vest on overtop of my burgundy t-shirt and then double check to make sure that I have my handgun and badge. Once I'm satisfied with my preparations, Erin and I go to our SUV and hop in. She starts it and then we make our way downtown.

When we arrive at the building we all meet up and make our way inside. We soon find the site manager and then Voight asks him where Jacob is. He rapidly glances down at his clipboard and then nervously says, "I last saw him on the sixth floor, but that was a couple of hours ago. There's a good chance he's already gone home as any of my guys left here are working overtime."

Voight nods and then turns back to us and says, "Alright everyone, take a floor. Leave no corner, no cubby, and no nook unchecked. If Jacob is in fact dead set on killing Evelyn, then my guess is he's still on the premises, waiting for her to drive by on her way home. We do not stop until this son of a bitch is found and in handcuffs. Is that understood?"

We all nod and then he says, "Good. Let's split up and find this bastard."

We all disperse and I soon find myself on the fourth floor. I'm almost done my very thorough sweep of the floor when someone knocks me to the ground from behind. Upon impact I have the wind knocked out of me but manage to flip onto my back in time to see none other than Jacob running towards me again. I roll to the left to dodge his large fist and then spring to my feet. I reposition myself into a fighting stance and wait for Jacob to approach me, all the while bouncing from foot to foot slightly so that I can spring into action at any given moment. He begins to run full force towards me and once he's close enough to me, I reach out and swiftly punch him right on the nose.

The blow is enough to throw him off his game and have him stumbling away from me, visibly alarmed. I take my opportunity and rapidly deliver a kick to knock his legs out from under him. He hits his head quite hard on the ground when he lands and thankfully it's enough to knock him out. I handcuff Jacob as fast as I can and then I place my radio close to my mouth and say, "I've got Jacob here. Fourth floor. I knocked him out so you won't need guns raised."

Everyone quickly arrives and checks to make sure I'm okay. Once I've assured everyone that I am Atwater calls in an ambulance for Jacob. Once Jacob's on his way to the hospital, accompanied by Ruzek, we all head back to the district to begin our paperwork.


Hey guys! Thanks for 9 980 reads! I hope that it hasn't been too long since I last updated, but if it has, I apologize. I've been pretty stressed this first week of school but things have finally settled down. I hope that because of that it'll only be another week or two until the next update. Thanks for everything and I hope that you all have a great weekend! -Becca

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