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Every Rose Has Its Thorn~2
Word count: 512

I couldn't control the bike any longer. It spiraled out of control. There was no way I could stop the inevitable from happening. Letting go of the handles I was thrown against a boulder as my head hit off it. Before I knew it, Jake was right by my side checking over me for injuries. I had a sense of de ja vu from the look in his eyes. The same look Edward gave me when Tyler almost crashed in to me. Come to think about it, Rosalie gave me the same intense look. Sure at the time all the Cullen's where looking over with worried expressions but Edward's and Rosalie's were more concerned than others. Wanting to shake off the strange feelings, i tried to get back on the bike.
"Lets go again." I said.
"No. Bella. No more bikes." Jacob almost growled out.
"Jacob. It's not like I'm hurt." I argued. Once again i was sure I had heard a growling noise come from Jake. It unsettled me.
"Wow. Your too busy trying to get an adrenaline rush to even notice your bleeding."
"Sorry." I immediately said as I found out I was bleeding. Why I apologized to him I wasn't sure. I just guess I was so used to having to apologize to the Cullens every time even a drop of my blood came out, what with Jasper always wanting to drain my blood from me.
"You're apologising for bleeding?" He gave me a look of disbelief before muttering "What have they done to you?"
"Excuse me?" I raised a brow, some thing I had picked up after seeing Rosalie do it often in Emmet's direction. His face paled. Before he had a chance to reply though, I watched in horror as four guys began to fight. Three against one. That hardly seems fair. I begin to stand only to see the three boys push the younger one off the side of the cliff and in to the sea below. Rushing to my feet, ignoring the nausea, I began to make my way round the corner only to be stopped by a firm hand on my fore arm.
"Jake. What are you doing? They just pushed that kid off the clifface." I said.
He let out a nervous laugh.
"Calm down Bella. They're cliff diving. They think that if they do that then they will impress Sam. It's like an initiation test or something. It gives who ever is jumping a strong surge of adrenaline too. That's why some people do that." I couldn't believe it. They where jumping off cliffs and fighting. For what? To impress some guy who thinks he is all it and can control every one around him? I won't ever understand boys.
Shaking my head, I pick up the bike and roll it back over to the truck.
"I think it's best I go home Jake. This was a bad idea." I need to talk to Alice. Even if i can't actually get in touch with her.

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