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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 31


Word count: 932

***Rosalie's POV***

Prom was only two weeks away now. Which meant that once we graduated, Isabella would be changed. She would become one of us. This thought terrified me to no end. I wanted her to have a normal, mortal life. And at the same time, I wanted her to be with me forever.
I just need to make sure she really id ready for becoming a vampire. I could try to convince her to wait a year or two. Either way, I would still be older or we'd be the same age.
I don't want her to change and then not want to be one of us. Who knows what would happen if that was the case.
"Ready Rose? Bella is getting a ride with Jasper and Emmett by the way. Something about needing to be in early for a maths thing? I don't know." Alice said as she threw herself on to my back. Thank God for vampire strength and fast reactions ne else I would have dropped her.
"Do you have to do that every morning Alice?" I chuckled.
"Ah Rosalie. Alice. I'll be working late at the hospital tonight. There's been a vampire attack. A brutal one. Make sure to keep an eye on Bella. Please tell Esme to be careful when she gets back from her hunt." Carlisle said as he pulled out of the garage.
"Will do. Ok Alice, what car we taking?"
Her grin told me exactly what one she wanted to take. The yellow porsche that she still hasn't return from her's and Bella's field trip to Italy.
We grabbed our bags and headed to the garage. Esme had just gotten in and was in the front room. I decided to let Alice tell Esme while I started the car.
"Hurry up shorty." I laughed as she pouted.

We pulled up to the school to see everyone stood by the door. And by everyone, I mean almost the entire school. As Alice and myself began to walk towards the doors, the sea of students slowly parted revealing all my siblings and my beautiful Bella.
She was stood on top of a table, clad in tight fitting, black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and an Iron Maiden t-shirt. She looked amazing. All around her were beautiful rise petals. Some red, some white and she had even managed to get her hands in my favourite ones. The blue roses. I know that they aren't natural and are actually genetically engineered, but they were still my favourite flowers no matter what.
Above her head was a huge banner the colour of gold which was adorned with black, cursive writing which read,
"Rosalie Hale, How about Prom?"
A huge, face smouthering grin spread upon her lipstick stained lips as a smile began to make its way on my face.  If it weren't for Alice's hand which I was holding, I can guarantee the fact that I would have burst in to uncontrollable tears. Bella was king, sweet, caring and mine. And like hell was I going to leave her standing alone on that table.
I stalked my way over, hips swinging and hair swaying.
When I finally reached her, Jasper and Emmett lifted me up like a queen and Bella was there to pull me up. She held my hands and stared in to my eyes. Hers shone with love which I'm sure was a complete reflection of my own.
"Its about time we show the world don't you think?" My girlfriend whispered as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I thought you'd never say those words. My God am I ready for this." I practically growled out as my icy arms snaked around her waist. Just as I was about to pull her in to me, she took me by suprise and pulled me in to her.
Bella then reached up on her tip toes and kissed me. It was sweet. Gentle. And filled with innocence.
I love this girl. I'm in love with this girl. And I don't ever think I will fall out of love with her.
She is my everything.

Thank you all so much for the constant votes and reads I have been getting recently, it honestly warms my cold dead heart to know that what I have written has made some one else happy. That's one of the many reasons I love writting and with you guys being so active makes me realise just how many people are reading amd enjoying this book. When I first started writing this book I said to myself 'if I can just make even a small handful of people happy because OF this story, then that will always be more than enough.' And yet from the get go, a I've been given is constant support. You guys really are amazing and from 100 views to 4.91k is just staggering. I can't believe it. Thank you all so much for taking the time out of your days to read this.
I'm really sorry that I have been so inactive eurgh. I don't even have an excuse I've just been really lazy with writing recently it seems. I promise that I will be working on about four to nine more chapters for this book as it is regrettably drawing to an end. I will either be ending it at 35 chapters or 40 it just depends where the story decides to take me I guess.

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