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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 21

Word count: 1451

*Bella's POV*

I never, ever want nor need to go shopping ever again. Alice and I left McDonalds at about 2. We didnt get back to The Cullens' house until 10:30. 10 freaking 30! That's like eight and a half hours shopping. Just shopping.
We had been to do many different stores and bought so many things that at one point, Esme, Rose and Emmett had to come and meet us at the enterance to the huge mall and take all the bags from us. All three cars were filled as they drove away. And that was only at 5. Three cars equals three hours of shopping. Or at least that's how Alice tried to reason out how much stuff she was buying.
She bought around 10 bags worth of just fabrics. All different colours and textures. She said she was going to be designing a whole new brand of clothes and sell it all anonymously.
"I don't want Carlisle to go bankrupt and have nothing left to fall back on. We all have little side jobs Bella. I design clothes just like Rosalie and Jasper fix cars." I mean they had a fair point. I guess working in a project and working towards a goal would keep them occupied during the centuries. I think it would drive me mad just sorting still for a few days.
Even when I'm sick and can't make it to the Newton's store for work, it drives me up the wall. So I get why they all have side jobs. But would Carlisle ever go bankrupt? He's been a doctor for like a thousand and something years. I'm sure he has plenty of money saved up.
After buying the silks and the cottons and what not, we entered Forever 21. I must admit, some of their clothes can be cool. Like all the band t-shirts and the awesome hoodies.
There was: a Fall Out Boy 'Saving Rock And Roll' T-shirt, Panic At The Disco 'Mona Lisa' T-shirt, a My Chemical Romance 'Killjoys' hoodie, a Pierce The Veil logo hoodie, a few Fall Out Boy wristbands (each one having different lyrics on them) and a Twenty Dollar Nose-Bleed hoodie.
Yes, I bought them all. Well when I say 'I' , I mean Alice and all her money. She didn't seem to mind that I had bought some clothes, but when I showed her all the stuff, she simply tutted and said "that simply will not do Bella. Now come on. We are going to go get you a dress. Graduation is only in a few weeks!"
And with that, we spent another two hours looking for 'the perfect dress'. When I had grown bored of Alice's indecision, I foolishly said "Hey Alice, if you dont like any of these dresses, then why don't you just design every one matching outfits? You and Jasper could be one colour and style, me and Rosalie another and then Edward and Emmett could match."
By the look on her face, I could tell i'd said something acceptable, but what I hadn't realised or thought of was the fact that she would have to go back to the fabric shop place to get things for the dresses.


When we finally did get back, it was dark and late so Rosalie said that I could just go to sleep in her room. She mentioned how Alice had bought enough clothes for me to have a wardrobe here filled to the brim so I really had no reason to go home. She also said that Jacob knew I wouldn't be going home tonight so decided to take it upon himself to go tell my dad for me. Which I guess was nice because it saved me from having the longest lecture ever from him.
When I found some light shorts, Rosalie came over with one of her shirts. With her being taller than me, if i put it on it would have went down to my knees. She scooped me up in her arms, the shirt already over my head and my old one somewhere on the floor.
"Hey Bella."
"Yeah Rose."
"I love you."
I smiled. This vampire would be the death of me...not in that way. The metaphor way. Oh forget it.
"I love you too Rosalie Hale-Cullen." Her smile lit up the room as she moved the covers off the bed and gently placed me down. She pulled the covers over me slightly before getting in to the bed herself.
"Oh nu-uh. You made me go shopping for hours. You are not lying with me tonight honey." I smirked.
"But Belllllaaaaaaa." She whined. Although she was hella cute, I was not about to just get over spending so much of my life in the same shopping centre. She would just have to suck it up and go do something else.
Luckily for me, Esme came in to the room and tskked at Rosalie.
"Rosalie, my car isn't working. Jasper said something about brake pads wearing thin and the water cooler not working with the engine? I don't know. I figured you should probably have a look at it if you wouldn't mind." Esme's smile stayed calm and polite until Rose nodded and left the room. When we were sure she was gone, Esme gave me a small wink. "It won't take her long to fix it but it should give you two hours at the least. Good night Bella dear."
"Thank you Esme, good night." Just as she turned the lights off and the door clicked shut, I was a goner. I fell in to a perfectly peaceful sleep knowing everyone I loved was back, and most of them were under the same roof.


I was stood in a familiar clearing. It was the one were we had first played baseball together. It was the one were we had first met James, Victoria and Leraunt. The place held both good and bad memories, but the bad ones stood out like a sore thumb.
Wind was pulling aggressively at my hair while my clothes flapped as though about to take flight. The trees swayed and cast menacing shadows across the clearing, dancing and weaving in and out of one another.
Dark clouds swirled above as thunder and lightning made a frightening sight. It seemed like there was a war raging in the sky.
But then, just as things were about to turn worse, a small child, no older than 15, raced through the tree line. An older guy was chasing her, screaming at her and hurling harsh words her way. Although I couldn't hear what was going on over the wind, I could tell what ever it was he was saying, was causing the young girl pain. She turned around.
Her face was scratched and bleeding. Her dark brown hair was a matted mess atop her head. The old and battered clothes she worn had holes all over. The sneakers she wore hardly even resembled flipflops. It was clear she hasn't eaten a decent meal in weeks, maybe even months. But then I realised why. Her eyes were glowing red. Not from anger. But from hunger. And not just any hunger. The hunger for human blood.
The man's eyes were the same roaring, fiery red. His blonde hair was neatly styled in to a quiff which had Brown highlights naturally situated here there and every where. It was clear that in another life he would have been handsome, but all I could see was a monster. A cruel, killer of a monster.
And for some unbeknown reason, I felt that I had to protect the child with every fibre in my body.
"Stop it! Stop it! He isn't dead! He can't be! We were gonna meet on an island instead of fighting for you and her! We were going to be happy and you ruined that! How could you! How could you!" She screamed. Her dark red eyes filling with crystal tears.
"If I couldn't have Victoria, you couldn't have your precious little friend." His snarl was threatening and sick. He looked like a sadistic maniac.
"I hope you rot in hell." The girl spat. Then, she lunged.


*Alice's POV*

I had a terrible vision. A girl, around 15, was stood in our clearing. Crying, screaming and fighting. Fighting another vampire who resembled Riley.
I jolted out of the vision to be met with the concerned faces of my family.
"I - I had a vision...but it wasn't my vision." I managed to choke out.
Oh Bella, what have you gotten yourself in for now?

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