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Every Rose Has Its Thorns~6
Word count:766

Turning in to the drive way of Billy's house, I don't hesitate to find Jake and tell him everything. Hastily, I grabbed Jacob's hand and began walking down to the beach. Finding our little spot, I sat down in the hole of the beach wood tree and composed myself.
    "Jake, you need to be careful. You and Billy and Quil and everyone. You know those wolves that my Dad and Mr Clearwater have been hunting, well I saw one of them today. I was nearing the border when I saw it darting through the trees, on to the road and then back in to the trees. I have to tell Charlie obviously but I thought it would be best to warn you and Billy and every one here so that you guys can be on the look out." I managed to say, with out even taking a breath. Jacob allowed me time to catch my breath before turning to face me. He held my hands in one of his, while his other hand brushed a stray strand of hair from our of my face.
    "Bella, there are many things you still don't understand. Yes, you know a lot about vampires," a dull pain radiated through my chest, get worse and worse "but you don't know much about other aspects of that world. You can't tell any one what you saw today. It's ok to tell me and Billy, hell you can even tell Quil if you want, but you can't tell Charlie. Please." He paused for a minute, his eyes seemingly searching mine, for what I don't know, but what ever it was he was looking for, he didn't find it.
    Taking A deep breath in and out, he decided to start over. "Do you remember that time when you and your friends from school all came to this beach despite the weather being horrendous? Well that day, I told you some thing really important to every one here who lives in the reserve. I told you one of our many legends. A legend that told the truth about our people. I can't tell you much now, but I can help you to figure it out. Bella you have to remember the 'story' and you have to piece it together. Why every one here hates the Cullens," there it was again. That name. The one that has caused me so much pain and heart ache. "Why we feel the need to protect not just you, but every one here in Forks. Please Bella, you have to figure it out." The look of sheer desperation in his eyes made me promise that I would figure what ever it was he wanted me to figure out, and I would do it as soon as I could.
    That night, I went home and began to sort through what I already know. The Quillietes (A/:N not sure on how to spell it, sorry) had a long, long past with The Cu- with Vampires. They had a strong hatred for them. Quil and Embrey even mentioned how it would be to kill a vampire. But from what I know, humans can't kill vampires. We simply aren't strong enough. So that means that the Quillietes aren't all human.
    From myths and legends to do with Vampires, they always talk about an ever lasting feud between vampires and were-wolves. The Quillietes couldn't be were-wolves could they? They are quite strong, and fast and they seem to grow and nature quickly. All of them have a constant temperature that would be a Chase for worry if me, Angela, Mike or any of the kids from school had it.

    Emmett always claimed that he could tell when I had been around Jacob and the others because to him I always smelt like "filthy dogs". I thought that was just him being...well him. I never thought he actually meant it. No wonder Rosalie hated it when ever i was around them. No wonder her and Jasper would leave immediately to go hunting after I would arrive at their house.

    With my brain hurting too much from all the recent events, I gave up searching for answers for the night and began to get ready for bed. "GOOD NIGHT CHARLIE!" I called down the stairs, hoping he would hear me over the noise of the current sport match he was watching. Last time I checked, he wasn't even a fan of darts. But hey, you learn some thing new every day.


A:/N Hey everyone, sorry for the late update! I will update on time next week! Thanks for reading!

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