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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 26

Word count: 1087

*Carlisle's POV*

When Rosalie came and told us about Charlie's and Bella's conversation, I knew it was time for us to let him know what was really happening in his daughter's life. I had already reached out to my family members and asked them to come to Forks. I wasnt about to expose us all with out their blessings and willingness to it. Yet he should know sooner rather then later about Isabella's 'double life' so to say. He had the right to know, and if Bella's relationship with Rosalie were to go further - as in marriage - then he should know what type of family Bella would be marrying in to. And if she did marry Rose, then he too would become part of our family thus part of our world. Telling him may give him a sense of security...that If a huge sense of danger and Rosalie and Bella wouldn't be allowed to see each other again. Bella would probably be sent to live with her mother and her fiance in Pheonix and the two love birds wouldn't be able to recover.
But having Billy Black and the wolves be comfortable enough to reveal themselves along with us gave me hope that Charlie wouldn't freak out too much.
But then again, we would be exposing all of the weird things that has been happening in his life. We would have to bring up what happened with Bella and James. We'd have to talk about how Bella's nightmares where triggered by James' bite and all the wars, the Volturi, the Quillettes and their heritage. But most importantly and unnervingly was that we would enevitably have to bring up the Death of his friend, Harry Clearwater. He didn't just die of a heart attack, and I knew that once Charlie Swan finds out, it would most likely tear him apart.
"Bella, it's about time we made living with your Father easier. We know how hard it is to be constantly in danger and not be able to talk to your parents. Or to see them broken because of death or pain that they can't really understand. That's why, vampire and werewolf alike, have came to the conclusion that we should allow Charlie to be a part of all of this. To know the truth. If we bring him out of the dark - no pun intended - then you would be able to talk to him. He could solve his cases so much easier and then he might even trust you more when you suddenly have to leave town because he will know that you are involved in something much bigger then the little town of Forks."
Bella's face paled as she stumbled further in to Rosalie's arms.
"What if when we tell him, he acts out. What if he stops me from seeing you all. Jake, Billie did you not think out the way my Dad thinks? This will make him go crazy." She stammered. Billie looked at Jake and they both nodded.
"That's why I'm going to show Charlie what I am really and then tell him about werewolves. Then, I'll bring him to the Cullens' house and everyone can explain, well, everything to him. He shouldn't be kept at arms length from all this. Not any more." Jacob said as he reached out for Bella. She moved and cried in to Rosalie's arms. That poor child.

*Bella's POV*

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. First off, when did Vampires and Werewolves ever agree on anything - especially when it came to me and humans knowing of them. Second, why are they all so willing to letting my Dad in on this crazy world. Didn't they know how dangerous it was knowing about them? Charlie would be in so much danger. He could get hunted. He didn't deserve the panic, pain and stress that causes. Trust me, I should know first hand. And third, why would they care about whether Charlie knows or not?
"Bella, sweetie. If you are going to be a part of our family. Officially, then your parents deserve to know the truth about you and us. Why we never age. Why you won't ever age again. And perhaps, why you could move around the world so often." Esme explain as she held on to my arm, her attempt of calming me down. And it worked. I took a deep breathe as I released my hold on Rose. I turned around and faced everyone. Billie Black nodded his head at me and I have a weak smile in return. If he was agreeing to this, then I knew it was right and the right time to tell Charlie.
"Ok," I sighed. "Tomorrow, Charlie will find out. And if we are telling him, then I want to tell him everything. From Edward and me, to Victoria, James and Laurent, to the Volturi, the wolves, Harry Clearwater, the cliff jumping and finally, to the most recent events. Rosalie's near death experience and the fact that me and Rosalie are together. I want he to know and understand everything. Please." My voice cracked as I found myself wrapped up once again in Rose's arms. The coolness helped calm me down.
"Don't worry Bells. He'll be filled in on everything that has happened since you came to Forks." Jacob said. Then, I heard the thumping of large paws as the wolves all ran off and the squeak of Billie's wheels as Jacob took him back to the car.
I faintly heard Carlisle talking in hushed tones and thanking every one for coming and saying that they should hunt then meet up again at the Cullens residence.
"Would you like me to stay until you fall asleep?" Rose hummed as she gracefully jumped in to my room through the window.
"Please." Was all I could manage. She layed down next to me and held me close. No words were spoken. We didn't need them. All we needed and wanted in that moment was each other. And I swear I have never been happier.
"I love you." I heard as my eyes closed along with my window. And then I was asleep.

Hey guys sorry I've taken forever and kinda been MIA for a while. I just haven't felt like writing but I'll try to write more now that it's a week until the holidays.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to get another one out soon.

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