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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 12

word count: 766

    I stared at Alice, her face turning from relief, to pain, anger and worry.  As she went to take a step forward, Jacob stepped forward also, pushing me behind him and letting out a feral, warning growl. "Oh shut up mutt. you have no idea how worried I was about Bella. Now move." She hissed, her stance that of a woman ready to attack and protect. I knew I had to step in now before things got messy.

    "Every one needs to calm down...especially you Jacob. Alice? What's going on? Why haven't I heard from you? Where have you been? Oh no...is everything ok? Where is everyone else?" I rambled off so many questions that Jacob didn't even stop Alice as she came forward to place her porcelain hands over my mouth.

    "Bella calm down. I would say that everyone is ok...but that's not really true. Bella what you just did, I saw. Edward saw. And he told Rosalie exactly what you did. She's going to the Volturi. She can't live with out you." Alice cried. Her face seemingly more pale then vampirely natural.

    "Well I mean she doesn't exactly live now." Jacob mumbled, causing my anger to rise and my fear to grow. I slapped his arm as I grabbed my bag that was next to where Alice had been sat. "It has your passport and a jacket. Come on, we need to go. Right now!" She grabbed my arm as we raced out the house.
    Just as I was about to get in to the yellow car, Jacob wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away. "Jacob let go!"
    "I can't let you go Bella! After all they put you through, you're just about to drop everything to save a vampire who HATED you!? I CAN'T LET YOU GO!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face.
    I encircled my arms around him and have a small smile. "Yes. And I would do it again. I love her Jacob. I love her."
    With one last tear, i turned and left, speeding down the road towards the nearest  airport.


Alice looked over to me, her eyes showing just how truely worried she was for her sisters health. "Bella, if we get to Rosalie fast enough, we can stop this. -" I cut her off.
    "You mean when we get to Rosalie." I growled. Surely if Alice wasn't confident enough, then how could I even have a glimer of hope. But I knew we had to get there. I would not allow Rosalie to take her life because of me. She may think if i was gone, she couldn't live with out me. But I think the exact same thing. If only we could show her right now that I'm still alive.
    "Bella! Earth to Bella?" My thoughts where pushed aside as I focused on what the little vampire beside me had to say.
    "As I was saying, if - when we get to Rosalie and get her home, it's gonna be awkward. " the small pixie of a vampire turned towards me, completely forgetting the road that she was going 110 mph on to give me a smirk with a raised brow. I had no idea what she was on about.
    "Yeah because you guys left?" I imediatly regretted bringing that up as I saw her frown and wipe a small tear from her sparkling caramel eyes. "Alice I didn't mean-"
    "No Bella, you're right. If we hadn't of left. None of this would've happened. And I'm sorry. We should have stayed. But it was getting too complicated. Edward and Rosalie were constantly fighting. We had to get away for a while." Her eyes locked with the road once more as she took a turn on only two wheels.
    "Why were they fighting Alice? " she kept her eyes on the road, the airport in sight. "You'll have to ask them yourself. We're here. Hurry." And just like that, we were running through the airport like bad women, security men chasing us and an airhostes trying to stop us boarding the plane.  But we did. One look at Alice's eyes and everyone complied to put demands.
    We took out seats and waited nervously. We couldn't be late. I won't let Rosalie down. Not now.
    We had to save her.

A/N : hey guys thank you for reading. Sorry I took a while to update. I'm gonna try and get another chapter finished by Wednesday as this was sort of like the first half. Hope you enjoyed!

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