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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 17

Word count: 978

*Bella's POV*

We walked through the old, crumbling corridors of the Volturi palace. Alice never left my side and Rosalie never let go of my hand. We walked briskly and with purpose. Our purpose? To get the hell out of here. I could tell that Rosalie was still reeling from Jane's gift and it hurt me to know that she was in pain and that there was nothing I could do about it.
Alice pulled out her phone and was chattering quickly and quietly to whom ever was on the other side. "Esme wishes to speak with you Bella." She handed over the latest IPhone and I carefully held it up to my ear.
B:Hi Esme. What's wrong?

E:Nothing is wrong my dear. In fact I have to thank you. You saved our prescious Rosalie. If you hadn't have gone to Volterra, I don't think we would have ever gotten her to come home. Thank you.

B: Well now that you've seen how it affects us all, maybe you guys will stay? Just for a little while? I mean I know you probably don't want to, oh I shouldn't have aske-

E: Bella, it's ok. We are staying. Yes, there will be a lot to discuss and some...issues between you and my son. And then there's you and my daughter. But that can all be sorted out when you return home. I'll make your favourite.

B: Spaghetti Bolagnase?

E: duh of course. We will see you in a couple of hours. Thank you again Bella. Rosalie is my world, and you just saved it. So thank you.

B: And I would do it a thousand times again.

Once we hung up, Rosalie pulled me in to a fierce and passionate hug which literally lifted me off the ground. She didn't let go until we were on the plane and even then it was only because I had to put on my seat belt.


The aeroplane ride was less panicky then when me and Alice were on our way here. But that doesn't mean we weren't in a hurry to get back out the country. Once the light for the seat belts flickered off, Rosalie pulled me on to her lap and held me there. Her slender fingers ran through my slightly tatty hair as she gunned a soft tune. My eyes began to flutter shut but I held on to consciousness for as long as I could. I didn't want to fall asleep incase when I awoke Alice and Rose would disappear and I would be back in Charlie's house. The fear of loosing them again kept my eyes from closing.
"Shhhh Bella. It's alright to go to sleep. I promise we will be here when you wake up. Shhhhh go to sleep." And with a final kiss to my forehead, I willingly closed my eyes, ready for the nightmares.

I was standing on the cliff face. The wind blowing my hair and a distant Jacob screaming at me. 'Bella run! Run!' He yelled while shifting to his wolf. A cold whisper of a breeze passed over my now exposed neck.
I froze. Only a moment before, my hair has been whipping my face. Jacob was too far away and it was too late to run.
"Hello Bella." His voice was raspy and aged yet filled with a sinister joy. His slick black hair stood as still as he had through out the millenias.
"I believe you're still human, are you not?"

"Bella! Bella wake up! Wake up! It's just a dream. Shhh you're alright. I've got you." Rosalie whispered in my ear as we where in a...car? When did we get in a car.
"You've been asleep for 4 hours. We are almost home. Just a few more minutes." Alice said as she held my hand.
"Bella, we know it's going to be awkward for a little while but Edward will get over it. Everyone else is already ok with this. In fact, they are over the moon. But if it gets to much for you, I will take you back to your house and you can then take as long as you need to process everything." Rosalie smiled at me. Her beautiful eyes twinkling slightly in the light.
Edward. I hadn't really thought about him since the cliff. Since then, id been to infatuated with Rosalie to even bat an eye lid.
Do i care about Edward?
Did I miss Edward?
Also yes.
But do i love Edward?
Not really. Maybe in just a brotherly type of way.

Do i care about Rosalie?
Hell yeah.
Did I miss Rosalie?
Do I love Rosalie?
I do. I really do.

If Edward can't just be understanding and happy for me and Rosalie, then he'll just have to suck it up.
Because if it came to choosing which vampire I loved, I was definitely choose Rosalie. She is my mate. Edward was just a...love interest maybe?
Yes I loved him once but do i still love him?
No, I don't think so. I don't think so at all.

By the time I came to this conclusion, we had driven through the long drive way. I was now stood face to face with the house I had visited so often these passed months. Yet this time it was different. This time it has life. The lights were on the decorative caps hung proudly on the wall and the beautiful piano stood mid centre of the room. The tall glass windows showed what I had always came looking for. It showed them. The Cullens. My Cullens.

A:/N ok so I'm trying to do longer chapters for you guys because I feel like that's what you would want? Longer chapters but less updates if that makes sense?

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