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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 23

Word count: 1151

*Edward's POV*

Seeing Bella so disgustingly in love with my sister made me want to be sick. She was supposed to love me and only me for the rest of eternity. She was my forever. And now she is my never. Every time Rosalie looked at, thought of or touched my Bella made me want to stand up and crush her like I did Victoria. Speaking of, I had some so much to protect Isabella. I had risked my life many times as well as the lives of my family and friends and then she dares to fall in love with my bitter younger sister? I couldn't believe it. Yet I had a plan to get her back. If people were going to stop me from killing Rosalie, there was nothing they could do to stop me from killing the love between the two.
With that thought in my head, I began to hastily pack my bags. I had to make sure I did it quick enough to get away before Alice had a vision or before any one noticed where I was going. I believe it's high time I met up with some of my cousins in Alaska. I had a certain cousin I should try to reconnect with.

*Bella's POV*

After waking up, Rosalie actually tried to make me some breakfast. Key word there - tried. She was trying to cook bacon and pancakes...but she set a tea towel on fire, the pancakes on fire and even some of the furniture. Esme wasn't going to be happy.
But Rosalie was quick to run to the school and back, disposing of the burnt food, and managed to stop at a department store and but some more chairs. All in the space of 15 minutes. She said she could have done it quicker had there not been a huge que at the store.
I had asked her why she didn't just out the burnt food in the bin here, and she looked at me like I had grown another head.
"Bella sweety, we are vampires remember?" Yeah, like that clears it up. "We have heightened senses...we have a really good sense of smell. " Ahhh. Ok that makes more sense.
"But won't they be able to smell the burnt food anyways, and the burnt towels and chairs and -" her hand was quickly placed atop my mouth, effectively cutting my sentence off.
"Nope. I also bought one of the Charlie sprays. Place will smell of perfume and not burnt bacon. As for the chairs, eh. Let's just hope my plan works." Her giggle towards the end had me forgetting everything around us as I stared in to her glimmering eyes which held such warmth, kindness and love. "Bella are you -" this time, I cut her off. I placed my lips on hers and gently held her face in my hands. This moment, right here was all I ever needed and wanted. Carefully, she kissed me back. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close.
We stayed like that until I needed air. She was my every thing. I never wanted this moment to end.

Text on read
And it ain't no accident
Boy I ain't gone ask again
Before you got me in my head
Waiting by that phone
And all that shit that I don't do
And I just can't explain what's happening

Demi Lovato 'games' blared through my phone. Sighing, I picked it up and slid the answer button. I really should have checked the caller ID.
"Bella where the hell have you been? First you jump off a cliff. And then suddenly you're flying to some forgien country. Then you're rescuing some one who left you and now you're staying in their house and haven't even thought of ringing me or your mother?! What were you thinking?!"
"Dad...hey?" I replied gingerly. His voice was shaking from rage. It was understandable though. I never thought of how much I would be putting him through and I never thought of how he would have even noticed me being in another country.
"Dad can you hold on a sec? Thanks." I said before he could even reply to my first comment.
"Hey Rose, could you drive me home please? My Dad's a nervous and angry wreck right now." She smiled her dazzling smile and nodded. She held my hand as we began to walk to her cars.
"I'm on my way home now Dad. Can this conversation wait just a few more minutes? Please? I don't want to do this over the phone." I sighed. I really didn't want to give my Dad a heart attack or make him pass out from anger or anything, but I also didn't want to get thrown in to 'life long lectures' as my Dad calls them.
"Sure Bells. Just please come straight home." His voice sounded broken and scared, no longer filled with anger, just the main behind the mask.
"I am. I love you."
"I love you too kiddo." With that, he hung up and I put my phone in my pocket.
Rosalie's hand held tightly to mine when she got in the car. I didn't want to talk about how bad I felt about leaving Charlie, and I think she knew that. So we settled with a comforting silence.
I did not want to walk in to that house. "Hey Rose, I know how much you love to speed but could you maybe go the speed limit this time? I just need to, you know, mentally prepare myself for the onslaught of questions I'll no doubt be recieving." She laughed and slowed down.
That damn laugh. Every time I heard it, I calmed down and slipped in to a state of pure happiness. I was still in shock about this whole situation and hearing her laugh (in a nice way towards me) made my heart flutter so fast I thought it would fly away.
But all too soon, we pulled up out side the house and Rosalie was walking to my door. She opened it and held my hand as she gently pulled me out the car. "It'll be ok Bella. He was just worried and scared. Call me if you need anything." She hugged me for a few minutes then turned to leave.
"I won't be far. So literally just call and I'll be here." Her smile was the last thing I saw as I began to take the dreaful steps to the front door. Deep breathes Bella. Deep breathes. Then, I opened the door.

A:/N. Hey guys, school is in like 3 days so I'm not sure how long it will take me to update once back at school, but I'll try my best to update at least once or twice a week. Until then, happy reading!

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