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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 20

Word count: 614

*Bella's POV*
Rosalie walked in to the room and striaght away pulled me to her. "Are you alright?" Her hands gently held my face as her beautiful eyes scanned across my features looking for any signs of pain.
"I'm ok. I promise." I said as I gently moved her hands from my face and just held them contently.
"You shouldn't have gotten in the way of his punch Bella. You're lucky he was able to restrain the punch last minute so you didn't get hurt even more than you are. What you did was stupid Isabella." She complained. Her face turning stern. The way she looked at me made me feel as though I was being scolded by my mother.
Carlisle wisely left the room, and from what I could hear, the Cullens and the wolves all left the perimeter leaving me alone with an angry Rosalie Hale.
"Ummm...sorry?" I said with a sheepish grin. I didn't know what she wanted me to say.
"Sorry doesn't cut it Bella. You got yourself hurt. And you could have gotten more hurt id Edward hadnt realised what your intentions were." At this point, her eyes were the darkest hazel I had ever seen them be. And what made it worse was that it was directed at me. A shiver of fear ran down my back. I didn't like this side of Rosalie. It was rather terrifying.
"Look Rose I didn't realise that it would be such a problem. I didn't realise that-"
"That's the point Bella! You didn't realise! You never realise! You're human. I'm not. I can take a hit like that, you can't! And you shouldn't have!" She screamed. But by the end, she was on the floor in a ball. Crying her heart out. Slowly, I sunk down so that I was sat with her. I gently pulled her head on to my lap. Running my fingers through her gorgeous blonde hair, I whispered comforting words to her. We sat like that for two and a half hours. And we could have sat like that for another two and a half hours of my stomach hasn't rumbled. And it rumbled really, really loudly.
"Em Rose? Can we go to McDonalds? I'm craving 20 chicken nuggets." All I recieved in return was a chuckle.
"Alice will take you. I know she dying to take you shopping. It's only 1 so you have loads of time." She laughed as I groaned. I hated shopping at the best of times. But shopping with Alice? If it weren't for the fact that I am human and need sleep, she would have me shopping for a year... and that's the 'at least' part of her plan.
Speaking of the Devil, Alice came dancing in the room, a huge from spread across her perfect face. I let out another groan as she hauled me up and began dragging me out the door before I could properly protest. "You're so dead Rosalie Hale." I hissed. I knew she heard me because a distant laugh sounded from the garage.
"Come on Bells. I'm gonna re-do your entire wardrobe. And we had another one put in Rosalie's room so we can also begin to fill that one too! But first, to McDonalds!" God it was a thing that I loved this lass or else I would so be causing a scene in order to not go shopping.

A:/N hey guys! How was your chistmas? What did you get?
Also, this is just a filler chapter type of thing. Next chapter will have more drama in again.
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad

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