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Every Rose Has Its Thorns~7
Word count:578

  Waking up in the morning, I was pleased to find out that I hadn't fallen victim to another terrifying dream. Last night I managed to sleep some what peacefully, if you count peacefully as not having any dreams, then yes-peacefully. But all too soon, memories of what I discovered last night came rushing to the fore front of my mind.

  Yes, this whole possibility of Jacob Black being a wolf was kind of scary but also, to be completely honest, not suprising. First Vampires now Wolves, what next? Unicorns. Oh I don't know.

To: Alice
From: Bella

Alice, I get it now. I know why you all hated me hanging round the Blacks. And the other Quillietes too. I'm beginning to understand things I never thought I would even know.
I wish you all would come back. Or even if just one of you. Just one so that I could know you are all ok. I honestly miss you so much. It's funny to think that after all we have been through, one little thing like that could tear you all way from me. It's hurts you know, not being near you. Not seeing you or hearing your laugh when ever you wanted to go shopping and I would make a disgusted face. I miss my best friend. So much so I am sat down at my computer, writing this useless email, knowing you will never receive it and knowing I will never get a reply, yet still hoping maybe one day I will. And I will wait for that day for as long as it takes. I miss you, my best friend.

Bella, xoxo

Closing my laptop, the pain in my chest nauseating, I decided to call Jessica. It has been a while since the last time I saw Rosalie. That was just as the motorbike crash. I know I have to some how get an adrenaline rush but how?
    Picking up my phone, I scrolled through my oh so many contacts. (Note the sarcasm).

Ringggg ringgg ringg, ringggg ringgg ri-

Hey Jessica, um it's Bella...Bella Swan.

Hey Bella, Bella Swan. What can i do for you? You must need something being as though this is the first time you have actually attempted to talk to me in months.

I could hear the annoyance in her time but also a slight under tone of hurt and rejection.

Yeah, I know Jess. And I'm really sorry. I promise I'm going to make it up to you and everyone at school. But first, how about we go shopping tonight in Port Angeles?

Eeeeeeeek!? Really!? OMG BELLAAAAAAA! Thank you thank you thank you! I've been needing an excuse to shop. You are completely forgiven. I'll pick you up at 7?

Haha yeah sure. See you at 7 Jessica, Bye.

    And with that I hung up and began to great ready but seeing as it was only around ten in the morning, I thought it would be a good time to go for a walk. Clear my mind up a bit maybe.

A/N thank you to every one who has been reading this story so far, it means a lot. Sorry for the shorter chapter, a longer one will be on its way. I worked really hard on this yesterday in order for there to be an update today to make up for not updating on time this week.

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