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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 29
A:/N This is basically a second part to the last chapter I guess. But happy Valentine's Day

Word count:   600

***Rosalie's POV***
Wolf. That's the first thing that I smelled. The putrid stench of wet dog mixed with a summer breeze and fruit. Bella. She was here. But why? And why the hell did she bring that mutt.
I stormed outside, ready to blow up when I saw her, on one knee and a bouquet of blooming red roses.
"I would have brought chocolates, but...yeah." She hesitantly said as I gently took the flowers.
"Um thanks? I guess. Do you and your boyfriend here need something i can help with or?" My cold, feelingless eyes never nice left her brown eyes swimming with so many emotions. Pain. Doubt. Anger. Love. Confusion. Exhaustion. So many.
"Actually we've - I've come to explain. The other night, I didn't mean it to sound like I was in to Jacob. I'm not. I am so helplessy, truely, madly, deeply and dangerously in love with you Rosalie Hale-Cullen, and only you. And I doubt that will ever change. But if you must know, before I had to go save your stupid butt, I was going to watch Punch Face with Jacob on Valentine's because we both had nothing better too do. And technically, I am still single. But I won't be, if you would have me?" She whispered the last part so quietly that has I not been a vampire, then I wouldn't have been able to hear the last part of her ramblings.
"Bella, what you didn't know, is that I had already forgiven and forgotten. I mean sort of, I'm stubborn. But I was ready to move on. When you rang Emmett on the phone, we were already about to leave and come back home. And I was so ready to come back home to you.  So of course I will have you, as long as you promise to have me back." Her face lifted and the brightest smile I have ever seen graced her flawless face.
"To have and to hold...bit much?" She laughed as I scooped her up in my arms and swung her around.
"It's a good job I used to like cheese because damn are you cheesy." Her laugh started again and all I could do was stop and stare. She was perfect in every way. Her beautiful, Brown, baby doe eyes shone with happiness as she gazed up in to my own.
"How about we go home?" I asked. Her face fell and soon her happiness was replaced with mock anger.
"You mean to tell me I ran 30 miles for nothing." Her little glare was so cute I couldn't help but let out a giggle.
"Sweetie we are more than 30 miles from Forks."
"I know. That's why Jake is here.  He ran the rest of the way while I just sat on his back. " she giggled as the mutt groaned with exhaustion.
"How about we all spend the night here. Jacob, Emmett will find you some clothes. Bella, you're coming with me trouble." Jacob nodded gratefully before turning and following a smirking Emmett.
"Don't have too much fun you too!" He called back and Jacob agreed by howling what sounded like.
'Mmhmmm rawrrrwar.'
"So I guess it's just the two of us...alone...you know what I mean?" Bella hinted as she pointed over to one of our many little cottages.
"I think I do." I replied. A cheeky grin on my face.

A:/N  well then ;)

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