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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 25

Word count: 608

*Bella's POV*
I gasped at the sight before me. There stood: Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Alice, Emmett, Sam, Jacob, Embry, Paul, Leah, Seth, Billy, Emily, Quil, Jared, Colin (one of Jake's cousins), Brady, Eleazar, Carmen, Kate, Garret and even vampires from covens I had never heard off. Seeing werewolves and vampires alike stood next to one another and agreeing with one another had me shook.

"Bella, before we continue, i feel like introductions are needed. These are our cousins, the Amazonian coven. This is Zafrina, Senna and Kachiri. And these are some of our other cousins, the Egyptian coven. In the right is Tia, then Amun, then Benjamin and then last, but certainly not least, is Kebi. You know everyone else. Well at least out of us vampires." Esme smiled as she stood next to a tall, fair skinned woman with elegant posture and beautiful hair. She must be Zafrina. Stood next to her, as Esme said, was a slightly smaller vampire whom I asumed was Senna. She looked a lot like Zafrina only younger and shorter. In a way they reminded me of Laurent. I think, had he not been ripped to shreds, that he might have felt more at home with Senna and the others than he did with the Cullens or the Denalis.

"Hello Bella. It's a pleasure to meet you. As you now know, I'm Zafrina. I have heard much about you young one which is why we are here. We hope to be able to help you and ease your situation." Her smile was stunning and her face was warm and comforting.

"Thank you. It's lovely to meet you too. I never realised Rosalie had so many family members." Senna smiled and nodded.

"Yeah we live far away from here so safely we don't see each other often. So thank you for giving us all a reason to be here." Senna's voice was shy yet filled with a sense of confidence.

"Uhhh yeah no problem?" I smiled awkwardly. What was I supposed to say to these people?

Luckily for me, Jacob soon stepped forward also. "Bella you basically know most of us wolves but you haven't really met us all." He grinned as a few wolves padded forward.
One had soft looking black fur with speckled white ears and big paws while the other was slightly shorter, bronze-Brown fur with eyes that shone in the light and even bigger paws than the first.

"These are our two newest members and also my cousins by some relation. This is Brady. He might look like he has a big bite but he's a softy really." Jake laughed as the wolf with the black fur snarled but nodded gently in my direction.

"Hey" I said. Not that he could reply.

"And this is Colin. He is our newest member. Basically, he's a pup." Jacob grinned down at the bronze wolf as he almost galloped forward.

"Guess you aren't used to being a wolf huh Colin?" I laughed as the big wolf shook his head, clearly saying no. He galloped back to Sam, sat down and let his tongue hang out of his mouth.

"Now that the introductions are over, let's get down to buissness." Carlisle stated as he clasped one hand in the other.

A:/N hey you guys. So sorry I haven't updated for like 2 weeks and now When I do, it's a tiny chapter. I just wanted to get something out for you guys before I do the big chapter. Hope y'all enjoyed this little chapter! I will hopefully update again tomorrow if possible.

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