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Every Rose Has Its Thorns~5
Word count: 823

My heart began to race as I turned on my computer. And loud 'ba dinggggg' sounded through out the room. It was my notifications. I had received an email. My stomach began to churn as I hoped against hope it was from Alice, or any one of the Cullens. But as I opened up my emails, my heart fell. It was not from any Cullen, but from my mother.

   From: Reneé
To: Bella.
Bella sweety. I think it's time you came home. Charlie and I have been thinking and we have agreed that it would be best for you to have a change of scenery. Like Pheonix. It has been awhile since you last visited anyway.
But I hope that this will make everything better and easier for you Bella. I really do. And we can't wait to see you again. We really have missed you.

Love always, Mom xoxo

To: Reneé
From: Bella

Mom, I miss you too. Both of you. But I regret to say that I will not be coming back to Pheonix. I love it here in Forks. Forks is my home too. And me and my friends were actually thinking about going shopping soon. In Port Angeles. So that will be a change of scenery. I'll visit soon. Or you could come to Forks?

Love, Bella xoxo

   I held my breath and pressed send. I knew it would hurt my mother knowing I wouldn't be coming to Pheonix and I also knew she would understand and not work herself up over it too much. Deciding that there would be nothing else worth checking on my computer, I turned it off only to be met by the piles of homework I've yet to do. This will take awhile...
Finally I managed to finish the Algebra homework that I had been set. In all honesty though, what teacher is cruel enough to go "yeah these kids deserve to have algebra homework for over the weekend." I know if i was a teacher, I would never out my students through the pain of extra Algebra.
    Going down stairs, I checked the time to see that it was only 1.30. Stomach growling, I searched the fridge for some food to quickly reheat. Finding some left over lasagne from last night, I put it in the microwave and turned to phone Billy's house.
Ring ring ring          Ring ring ring      Ring ri-
Hey Bella what's up?

Oh hey Jake. I'm good you?

I've been better. It's getting a bit exhausting this whole thing with Sam. But anyways, why'd you ring? Missed me already?
I could practically hear the playful smirk that was undoubtedly plastered across his face. Using this to my advantage I decided it would be funny to mess with him a bit.
Well I've not really missed you that much. And going back to your other question, I rang because I feel like I don't get to see Quil as much and I was wondering if you could give me his number so that I can hang out with him.
Trying so hard, and almost failling, I managed to stop the laughter from entering my voice. I could already tell that Jacob had no doubt tensed up and that stupid smirk would have been wiped clean off his face by now.
Quil? Why Quil? I mean who needs Quil when you've got me? Haha..?
His attempt at covering up how jealous he was, was way to funny. And I couldn't help it. I fell in to a fit of uncontrollable laughter. I could tell that my laughing was confusing him and only served to frustrate him harder meaning my laughter worsened.
Ah come on Bells what ever you're laughing at can't seriously be that funny.

Oh Jake, I was joking. I was ringing to see if we could hang out by the cliffs. I mean Quil could come too if you want him to.

Har har very funny Bella. I'm practically crying from laughing so much. But yes, we can go hang out. How about I come pick you up?

And how do you suppose you'll pick me up? I'm pretty sure you still need like another seven different parts to be able to finish the Rabbit. I'll just drive over. I'll be there as soon as I can. Tell Billy and Charlie I say hi.

Yeah yeah ok. See you soon Bells.

And with that I hung up. Grabbing my bag, keys and phone I jumped in to my beauty of a truck. Turning the key in the ignition, I let the loud thrum of the truck's engine soothe me and I turned off on to the road.
     As i was driving, i could have sworn i had seen a flash of red-ish-Brown-ish fur of a large animal. An animal that has a huge resemblance to that of a wolf. These are the things Charlie has been hunting!
    Swerving slightly in order to avoid a collusion with the animal, I manage to gather my wits and my thought and speed off towards the Black's.

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