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Every Rose Has Its Thorns~9
Word count: 313

    The man grinned an almost sickening grin at me before slowly easing off the brake. The bike shuddered to life and the engine began to roar. He took his foot fully off the brake while slamming the other straight on to the accelerator. The bike was overcome with power causing it to do a wheelie before finally beginning to move along the alleyway.
    A flash of blonde hair caught my eye as I began to look around. Turing to the left, my breathe hitched as my heart began to pound. She was there.
    "Bella stop this ludicrassy at once! You could get hurt! It's not safe Bella." Her velvety voice called. It wasn't soft like it normally was. It was slightly harder, sterner. It has a hint more authority to it. And I would have stopped...if it weren't for the fact that I longed to see her longer. I couldn't continue with out her.
    "Faster. Go faster!" I yelled to the stranger.
    "Sure thing missy." He grinned and turned to a higher gear.
    Just as he was speeding up, Rosalie appeared in front of the bike. If we didn't stop, we'd run her over. "STOP! STOP YOU HAVE TO STOP!" I yelled. My heart was in my mouth. Slamming on the brakes, the guy turned around, a furious expression on his face. But I didn't care. Rosalie was gone again. Just like that.

"BELLA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? You do realise you could have gotten killed!!?" Jessica screamed at me, furiously trying to drive and yell at me at the same time. However, I wasn't listening. I was focusing on Rose. She had been so close. It was almost like I could have reached out and she would be there, holding me in her arms. And yet she wasn't. And she won't.

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