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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 24

Word count: 1124
*Bella's POV*
My Dad was angry...that's to say the least. And unlike the last time he had been this mad, I didn't need Edward here to read his mind for me, it was plastered across his face. He was fuming.
His eyes were close to the colour of Aro's eyes; Red with anger. They were rimmed with dark circles which showed just how long he had been waiting for me. His eyes were a stark contrast to the rest of his face. Charlie's once sort - of - tanned skin was pale and sickly. Even his lips had turned a few shades lighter, spare the parts where it was obvious he had chewed them in his anxiety.
I felt awful. I had literally driven my Dad to become ill and paranoid. A daughter should never do that.
Rosalie drove off the second i knocked on the door. Oh how I wish I was with her. Charlie didn't say anything as he opened the door and stepped aside. I took that as my opportunity to walk through the door. I followed him until we got to the living room where he say down on the couch.
"Sit down Isabella. We have a lot to talk about." He sighed, rubbing his face with one hand while the other rested on his shaking knee.
"What you did...it was brave. It took guts to go and rescue some one who hated you. Some one who left you. But it was also one of the most idiotic things you have ever done in your life Isabella! You just up and left, no note, text, phone call, message, no anything. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know if you had run away. I wasn't sure if you had been kidnapped. How was I to know if my little girl was safe, or if she was in danger? You could have been hurt, or worse -" his voice cracked and I could see the pain in his eyes, I could practically hear his heart breaking all over again. " - I didn't know if you were dead Bella! I didn't know! You left, with out a word. Then three days later I heard from Billy Black's boy that you are staying with the very people who where the cause of such pain and depression? Then I hear from a friend that you were out shopping like nothing was wrong?! What in this God forsaken earth was running through your mind Isabella? Care to explain?"
I sucked in a huge breath. What was I supposed to say? I've fallen in love with my ex-lovers 'older' sister and they both happen to be vampires? That I wish to be a part of a world filled with wolves and vampires? That soon I will be one too? And that I won't become the women he wants me to be, because I won't age ever again? That if i hadn't saved Rosalie my life would be meaningless? No. I couldn't do that to him. It could drive him insane.
"Dad, she was - is my best friend. So is Alice. And Emmett and Jasper, Carlise and Esme...And, and Edward." My statement didn't seem to soothe his anger.
"What about Jacob? Paul, Sam, Emily, Billy, Leah, Seth, Embrey, Jessica and all your other friends? What about your mom and me? Or do none of us fit in with the life you want? Are we not good enough for you?" And that's when it happened. Years began streaming down his face as he fell to his knees. My heart tightened at the sight. I had done it. I had officially broken my father. A once proud and strong man reduced to tears.
I knelt down beside him as I wrapped him in my arms, much like he used to when I had my nightmares. Gently rocking us back and forth, I whispered assurance that they were all enough. In fact, that they were too good for me. They were all more than i deserved.
With care, I guided him up to his room and helped get him comfortable in bed. "I promise, I will explain it all in the morning." I sighed as I kissed his forehead.
"Don't leave. Not again Bella. I'm sorry. I'll be a better Dad. I promise." He cried out as he held on to my hand like his life depended on it.
"I'm not leaving ok? I will be right next door. And you don't have to be a better Dad. I don't think that's even possible. You are the best Dad any one could ever ask for. I mean sure, you need to work on your cooking-" at that he gave a faint smile, "but you're the best Dad out there. Hell, you got me a truck!" I laughed. His smile grew, only a fraction, but it was there.
I stayed sitting beside his bed, his hand in mine, until I was sure that he was asleep.
By the time 12 rolled around, I managed to release Charlie's grip on my hand and sneak back to my room. Just as I suspected, Rosalie stood statuesque in the corner of the room. She was leant against the window pane, her arms delicately folded on top of one another. "Come on. We need to talk." She said. Her eyes never once leaving mine. Rose held her hand out and gave me an almost pleading look. "I know you promised you wouldn't leave, which is why everyone is out in your back garden. So technically, you aren't really leaving. Just...getting fresh air? Yeah. You're just getting fresh air." Her gently smile gave me a warm, safe feeling. And she was right. I am still on my Dad's property so I'm not leaving.
"By every one? Who do you mean?" I quizzed and in return, I received a cheeky, mischievious grin.
"Just come on already." She laughed as she pulled my arm and jumped out the window.
When we landed, I slapped her arm. Hard. "ROSALIE HALE-CULLEN DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! I could've had a heart attack!" I whisper yelled, concious of my sleeping father two floors above.
"Yeah yeah. Anyways. We've all come to an agreement. Care to hear us out?" Her smirk made me curious thus I turned around. A quiet, startled gasp left my lips. Every one was here.

A:/N hey guys! Took a while to update anything because I kind of can't walk atm so I haven't been able to move around and get my phone if i leave it in another room and what not. Anywhooooo. Here's another chapter for you guys.
Any ideas what's gonna happen?

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