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Every Rose Has Its Thorns ~ 30

Word count: 1001

*Bella's POV***

It's been a week since Charlie, my dad, found out about the existence of vampires and let's say, he isn't so stressed after work now. So far, he has managed to close 23 cases that have been open for at least 3 years or more. He even has had a pay rise. Not much, but its a start. He normaly makes around 20,000 a year but it's now increased by 7% so he is eating around $21,400 a year.
Charlie has even been able to lessen how many hours he is stuck in the office for since cases seem to be solving themselves as of late.
This all means happy Charlie. And happy Charlie means no more of the strict Charlie I've come to know since Edward's appearance in my life.
It also means that I get more freedom about, well, everything. Now I'm spending time with Angela, Ben and Jessica and going in to ........... looking for outfits for graduation.
I'm also spending a hell of a lot more time with Rosalie. A lot more alone time with Rose.
But that means that I'm hardly ever home because when I go over to see Rose and all the others, I always get wrapped up in a gaming marathon against Emmett.
I've only ever beaten him once and that was when we were playing fornite and Rose and Alice were helping me while Jasper, Esme and Carlisle decided that would rather not partake in a possible third world war.
But I still won...even if i did cheat...like a lot. But hey, it's Emmett I was playing against.
So far, Jessica has been bugging me constantly wanting to know if i had picked out a dress for graduation yet. I hadn't told any of the others about how Alice Cullen was making me a dress, and I don't think I ever will. They'll get curious. There's no doubt about it, and Jessica will probably try to prise the information out of my head but I'll take my chances.
Everyone has been asking me about where Edward is and if we are still together. Although it still hurts a little, I'm so over it.
I still sit with the Cullens (obviously ) but I haven't told any one about mine and Rosalie's relationship yet. However, I think Rose really wants me to start telling people. She gets jealous easily. Like when Mike asked me to go to prom with him...Rose got a little over protective and possesive.
"Hey Bella, its great to see you so happy all the time now. So what's up?" Mike asked as he came over to my locker.
"Um thanks. Not much, just been dragged through shop after shop with Jess and Angela looking for dresses for prom. You guys been looking for tuxes or anything like that?" He smiled a huge from as he leaned closer, testing his forearm above my head in the locker.
I guess he thought it looked 'manly' or whatever.
"Speaking of prom...Wanna go with me? You'll be my Queen and I could easily be your King." He smirked as he leaned in even more. That's when Rosalie came storming down the corridor.
"Bella would never go to Prom with a prick like you who thinks he's all it. Make one more move on Bella and I swear, my father will be treating you in hospital." She snarled as her arm wrapped itself around my waist and she began to walk away.
"Sorry Mike!" I yelled back, stiffiling a laugh.
"Rosalie, there was no need for that." I laughed. Turning around, I came face to face with a smirking Rosalie trying her hardest to give me puppy eyes.
"He was making a move on my girl. On my Bella. I was not going to let that happen. The whole situation could have been avoided if we told people that we are together instead of hiding in the shadows. And trust me, I know from experience, and I hate hiding in the shadows." I didn't say anything in reply, I just faced her fully and wrapped my arms around her. She could be so protective and possesive at times, it's cute. I reached up on my tippy toes and kissed her.

After that ordeal, I asked Angela to come around to my house so we can plan a special suprise for Rose. Sue me, because I may have lied and told one of my friends about us.
I wanted to ask Rosalie to prom, but I wanted to do it all fancy and public so that then she wouldn't ever have to worry about the guys at school. Angela had suggested that we also get Alive involved. At first, I was apprehensive because, well, it's Alice. Yes, I wanted it to be amazing. Yes, I wanted it to be perfect. But Alice can go over board with her extravagant ideas but eventually, I agreed. Which leads us to now.
We were all in my room with different 'mood boards' and written down ideas of how I could ask her. There was a lot.
After ordering pizza (Alice making an excuse of being full from lunch), brinking too many sodas and wasting a lot of paper, we finally agreed on an idea.
I was going to ask Rosalie Hale-Cullen to prom. And I was going to do it tomorrow in front of the intire school. I was nervous and I didn't know why. It's not like she was going to say no, but still.
I just want everything to be perfect for her.

A:/N Hey guys, I'm back. I'm also going to be updating once a week on either a Saturday or Sunday. Ill be posting on my Instagram more about this story along with polls and timetables including my other books. If y'all wanna check it out, my insta is: LJ1299
See you guys next weekend with a new chapter.

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