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Every Rose Has Its Thorns~8
Word count:755

    Leaving the house after putting on my hoodie, i began my walk through the forest. Most days i would end up in the little meadow thats all but dead now. The flowers dont grow any more, the trees surrounding it have all lost their colours and the grass has browned and died. Its a sad sight really. Seeing a place that was once so magical and full of life turn to a field of dying plants.
    But this time, that's not where I ended up. Today, of all days, I found myself in front of the one house I had been avoiding. The Cullen's House. The wall of pure glass stared back at me. My sad, almost lifeless self reflected back. Through the glass, I could see their board that ran along the wall of the staires. The board that held all of the Cullen 'childrens' graduation caps from over the years.
    A sharp pang of pain coursed through my heart. I always thought that after graduation, I would get turned, join their family, be happy and one day get as many caps as the others had. But now all my hopes and dreams for the future have been cut down. Time and time again.
    I was pulled from my deppressing thoughts when my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Jess. I hadn't realised I had spent almost the entire day here just staring at the house. It was now 5 o'clock and Jessica was making sure our outfits "didn't clash" as she put it. Even though she knows me and her are so different when it comes to fashion...and basically most things.
    Typing a hasty reply, I take one last look at the beautiful but abandoned house and begin my journey back through the woods. The pain I felt, still linguring in my heart. The heart I've been trying to heal since they left.
    Jessica's car pulled up outside the house at the exact time we agreed. "Belllllllllllllaaaaaaaa let's goooooooo!" She screamed from the car window. Sighing, I grabbed my bag, said good bye to Charlie then headed out to meet her.
    "Hey Jess. How are you?" I asked, plastering the best smile I could on to my face. "I'm fi - Well I was fine when you still talked to me...When you still talked to any of us. What happened Bella. We know the Cullen's meant a lot to you, but surely we, your friends, mean something to you too right?" Her voice cracked as she turned to look me in the eyes. I could see all the main I had caused her and I could only imagine it was the same for all of my friends. "Were we not enough?" She said as a tear fell down her face.
    "No Jessica. You guys are enough. You are all so amazing. And I'm really really sorry for how I have acted towards you and how I have treated you. That's why, from today, you are all my main focus and that's why today, we are going to forget these last few months, and just enjoy today!" I finished with a smile.
    We had just finished in a dress shop when a group of men on bikes began to call for us. "Hey baby, where're you going? Hey don't go that way, come this way!" They shouted.
    "You can have a go on my bike princess." One said. He seemed the least dangerous from the group. And having a ride on his motorbike would bring the deadly adrenalin rush I have been craving. God I sound like a junkie but right now, I need to see her. I haven't in ages.
    "Jess wait here, I'll be back soon, just gonna go for a quick ride ok?" I said as I had already began to walk over.
    "Whoa Bella no! Are you crazy! This is how people get hurt! What would the sherrif say! Hmm what would Charlie say!" She made a few good points, but I didn't care. I needed this more then I have ever needed any thing before.
    "Hey, you've got more balls then I thought girlie." He said, a look of suprise on his dirt covered face. "Yeah yeah. Just drive." I snarled back.
    "Alright then. But you might want to hold on. We're gonna go fast!" He sneered. Deciding I didn't want to touch this creep, I held on to the rim of the bike seat and braced myself.

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