3.That did not just happen

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Allison's P.O.V

As Jesse grined on my back I pushed more into him. He grabbed my waist and planted kisses on my neck. I didn't care if Levi where mad at me he pushed me to do this. I wanted to be free and at the moment I'm free to do what ever the fuck I like. And what I like right now is Jesse. My wolf wasn't fighting it and I wasn't going to either. It's not my fault that he said go fuck yourself. I'm a slut and that if I want Jesse I could have him.


I bet you like what the fuck is going on. This is me warning you of whats going to happen in this chapter.....

Let me start from the beginning so you know why Allison is being a bitch.


Allison's P.O.V

I looked at the girls as they watched me. "guys nothing is gonna happen okay."

"If something does....do I have permission to stop it?"

I nodded. "Yes. If something does happen, you can do what ever you like."

She nodded and looked out the window. "I hope everything goes down well tonight."

As we reached the party that Skylar set up we got out and was greeting by hundreds of people. Congratulations from even more. We moved through the sea of bodies till we got to the V.I.P area. They let us in right away and we sat down. The party was held in the Great Hall, which was good because there was at least over 300 people here.

"Allison, you look good tonight." someone yelled in the crowd. I searched for the face to match the voice and found my friend Vince, getting closer to us. I know for a fact that Vince always had this thing for me. He had dark blue hair because he dyed it that color and bright green eyes. He had the power to make people do what he wants just by looking at his eyes and listening to his voice. But I know he would never use his power on me thought. It was different with him liking me than Jesse because Jesse is just a natural flirt.... he cant help it. I felt someone push me softly from my left. I looked to see Katie looking at me. "Yeah?"

"Your not going to let him in here are you?"

"Katie, im not going to let him in just for you."

She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and stood up.Katie and Vince never did like each other. I mean I think they had a history back when I wasn't here but now, they just hate each other's guts. I walked to where he was and stood there."What up doe."

He opened his arms to hug me and I hugged him back not wanting to be mean. "you look good to." i commented back.

He pulled back and smiled at me. "Congrats Allison."

"thanks again....for like the 50th time." I laughed.

He looked behind me at the girls then back to me. " I thought your mates where here?"

I sniffed the air and singled out Jason's. I caught a small amount of it and looked at Vince. "yeah they just got here."

He nodded and looked around then down. "i was wondering if you wanted to... you know dance?"

"Trust me i would but... the first dance for the night would have to go to one of my mates. But maybe later though."

He nodded and hugged me again. "Okay i will see you later."

He walked away into the sea of bodies. I looked to see Jesse coming towards me with drinks in his hand. "Whhhhhhat's up guuurl." he said almost knocking himself into me.

"Dude are drunk already?" i laughed trying to steady him.

"No. I just wanted to see your reaction." He said standing up straight greeting people.

"well... is that the reaction you wanted."

He looked down at me and smirked. "Everything i do to you, is always the reaction i want."

I pushed his shoulder and laughed. "Where's Jason and Levi?"

"Oh those two. I call them the angry twins because they get mad over the littlest of things. I don't know how you deal with that." He said over the music as it was turned up.

I nodded. " I will be back. I'm going to go look for them."

He nodded and ran up the small stairs to the V.I.P area to the girls and gave them there drinks. I moved through the bodies of people and i found Jason by the bar by himself. I walked over to him and rubbed his arm. "Are you mad at me?"

"besides my girlfriend being touched by some other guy that's not me....I'm fine."

I got in front of him and looked in his eyes. "Jason, I'm sorry, it was at a party MY birthday party. If the guys through you a party and had strippers there, you wouldn't enjoy yourself?"

He looked away from me and thought about it, then looked back at me."I would rather prefer it from you...but yeah you do have a point."

"Exactly, now are you still mad at me?" i said getting closer to him.

He tried to hide the smile from me but i caught it. "don't hide that smile from me. I know for a fact you cant stay mad at me."

He looked at me and grabbed my waist. "OK,i really have to stop giving into you that easy."

I went up and kissed him. A pain in my chest hard and rough. Jason held tight to me so i wouldn't fall. I looked up at him in pain. " The fuck was that."

"babe you okay."

I nodded. "I think so?"

Then it hit me again and i grabbed Jason's arm. We walked back to the V.I.P area and he sat me down. The girl were looking at me. Tiffany came to my side and held my hand. I looked at Jason and he looked at me with anger, but not towards me.

I reached and grabbed his hand and he relaxed. He looked down at me with sad eyes. I looked at him confused. "whats wrong now?"

He kissed my head and looked at Jesse. "Umm...Jesse, what I'm about to tell her, shes gonna try to drink the pain away so... shes gonna get drunk and is gonna wanna make out with someone. For some strange reason i trust you, so if she kisses you and all that. I'm not gonna be here when she wants to do all this. As long as you don't get naked and she tries to get in your pants DON'T or i will have Tiffany and I'm sure Skylar as well to personally chop your balls off. So basically don't get you Mr. anywhere where near her... you know. But if she kisses you I forgive just be prepared to get punched in the face." Jason said with a serious face. I don't even know what the hell is going on. Why would I want to drink the pain away. What pain, besides the one in my chest.

I looked towards Jesse and he nodded like he understood what he was talking. Tiffany stood up with anger. "I am gonna kick his ass."

"Tiffany what do you think I'm gonna go do now."

'No fuck that, let me kick his ass."

"What are you talking about?" i said looking between them. Then the pain hit me and i let out a cry.

They all looked at me. Jason got down to my level. "Remember when you and Levi weren't together, but you could feel when he was doing a different girl..."

I looked at him. "Jason, what the fuck does this have to doo...." I stopped mid-sentence looking over Jason shoulder. All the way in the far corner, all the way where the light was more dim, where it was away from the party. My love, my mate with some other girl. Like it didn't hurt him at all. Like he wasn't feeling the pain i was feeling. Jason grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I love you."

I looked at him as tears started to fall. "but its my graduation."

"I know baby, I know. That's why I'm going to fix it. You have been broken to much already."

He started to get up but i grabbed his hand. "No, you will lose you beta position."

"Allison, i don't care. I will give up everything for you."

I let his hand go and he walked into the crowd.

I looked toward my friends and Tiffany hugged me along with Skylar. Katie said something to Joey. I saw Joey kiss her head and walk into the crowd. Austin and Justin followed Joey into the crowd.

Why would Levi do this to me. Just because i wanted to have a little bit of fun with my friends. I mean, he should have talked to me about it and not go suck faces with some tramp. I started to feel my nails start to extend into my wolves. I looked up to find all my friends looking at me. Jesse started towards me. "Allison, your gonna have to calm down, your eye color is red. And not trying to sound like a girl here but your creeping me the fuck out."

"I just need to talk to him." I said standing.

"Not in the state that your in." Jesse said inching closer to me. Using my vampire speed i ran to where he was. Yup it was Levi sucking the face of some whore that i didn't know. Her name was Rosy. Red hair and brown eyes. Shes even that pretty.

"Really Levi." i said standing a few feet away from him.

He stopped and looked at me. "What do you mean really? Have you ever wondered why i haven't even marked you yet. I was seeing if you were good enough and loyal to me. But i was wrong."

"Levi you bitch, what do you mean you were wrong. All this shit we went through just to see about our future and you come up with this lame ass excuse. Now you go and sleep with tramps and such."

"I mean you were over here parting it up with your buddies. I mean Allison, you aren't even the same when you left. Your over here whoring around like you own shit."

"you know what Levi, here the big secret PEOPLE CHANGE! No one stays the same ever. I turned 18. You have no clue how hard i tried to get you and Jason here for my birthday. I even called you id you didn't noticed. I mean when i called Jason her answered, but you not even a call back. F.Y.I I DO OWN SHIT."

" Fuck you Allison, your nothing but a slut that i only banged for your body. If you want Jesse so bad go to him."

"Why the fuck are you doing this? Its my graduation you douche. I know for a fact that you cant say you never loved me at some point in time."

"all i can say to you, is that your fake and a thirsty ass."


It got quiet and the music was turned down. People was looking at us and i ignored all the stares.

"I should have just let you lay there and die when i found you in the forest that night. Jason should have just became Alpha." i said with disgust.

I looked down at my hand to see it glowing with blue fire. Jesse came from the left and stood in front of me. "Allison breathe."

Jason came from the crowd and went straight to Levi and shoved him out harshly. The party music started up again and people began dancing again like nothing happened. Jesse hugged me. "I'M sorry Allison."

"Its not your fault."

He put his arm on my waist and led me to the bar. "Can i have the strongest thing you have?" he ordered.

"Really the strongest thing they have."

"Come on Allison lighten up some. Its our graduation, our party, lets just fuck shit up." He smiled.

He wiped the tears away from my eyes and smiled at me. He handed me the shot that arrived. I took it and he took his. "This is to... all the fuckers and haters that are always causing bullshit in our lives." we clinked our glasses together and drank. About after the 6th one of the strongest they hand i was officially drunk off my ass.

"Hey, hey, hey guy, we should like totally go skinny dipping in the pool." i slurred.

Skylar i think slapped my hand. I was way to drunk to even know her name.

'Nah we should just all just run around the town naked." Skylar laughed.

"That's a wonderful idea." i said taking another shot.

"okay,Allison i think you had enough to drink for tonight." Jesse said taking ever thing away from me.

"Aw why are you being a meany?" i said pouting.

"Because I'm watching you like i always am."

I moved away from him. " Ew you be creepin on meh."

He laughed and stood up. "Come on Allison."

"NO! Joey and Katie are staying."

"We have to get back to the dorms. I'm tired."

"Could we at least dance?"

He thought about it and nodded. I wobbled up ans stumbled over to him.

He held me up and we walked to the dance floor. I was too drunk to know what song was on. All i know that is that i liked the beat to it.

He put his hands on my waist and looked at me. "Your way to drunk to even dance."

"i can so dance."

I turned around and put my hands in his hair from behind. I think the song S&M came on by Rihanna. I wasn't to sure I'm drunk. I started moving up and down him like i was professional. Which in reality came out looking horrible since i didn't even know my left from right at the moment. I could feel Jesse start to dance with me. As Jesse grind on my back I pushed more into him. He grabbed my waist and planted kisses on my neck. I didn't care if Levi where mad at me he pushed me to do this. I wanted to be free and at the moment I'm free to do what ever the fuck I like. And what I like right now is Jesse. My wolf wasn't fighting it and I wasn't going to either. It's not my fault that he said go fuck yourself. I'm a slut and that if I want Jesse I could have him. I turned around and crashed my lips to his. It sort of caught me off guard when it wasn't like Jason's. But at the moment i needed the closes person. Hell, i would kiss a Skylar if she was the closest person that i knew that i could fine. I ran my hands through his hair and i pulled gently. I may have been really drunk but i have enough sense not to put my tongue down his throat. I felt my feet leave the floor and suddenly having my back hit the wall. He pressed into me and i moaned softly. By this point Jason would have stuck his hand up my dress or something. I know that hes respecting the fact that I'm his best friend and he cares for me. We headed out the front door of the party and we stood outside. I guess he didn't feel like waiting because he said some words and we where standing in front of the dorms. He kissed me again and picked me up. I cant lie Jesse was a hell of a kisser but nothing compared to Jason. He led me into him dorm room over to his bed. Since i was in front of him i hit the bed first while he was on top of me. He slowed the kiss up until he just left his lips on mine. He pulled away and looked at me. "Your my best Friend."

I pushed him off me."I know I'm drunk and all but you have nice lips."

I grabbed the bag of clothes that i kept under his bed for emergency reasons i took out one of Jason's shirts that i took from him and i took the dress off putting on his shirt. I got under Jesse's blanket and snuggled with his pillow. I felt the other side of the bed dip down. "you say i have nice lips, you should see what my tongue can do."

"Ew you creep." I said falling to sleep. The last thing i remember falling a sleep is him putting his arm around my waist.








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