4.No please

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I woke up the next morning with a major headache. I rolled over just to come face to face with a sleeping Jesse. My eye widened and i shot staright out of the bed and looked at him. I looked down at myself and saw i had Jason's shirt on. Jesse groaned and opened his eyes. "the fuck is wrong with you?"

"We didnt go anything last night right?"

He chuckled. "you wish me did. But no only kissed."

I breathed out and looked over to Joey's bed and saw that Joey and Katie were sleep. I sat back down on Jesse bed and breathed. "My head hurts even more. I shouldnt have jumped up like that."

Jesse got up and he had his basket ball shorts on but no shirt."That was your fault."

I fell back onto his bed and then all the words that Levi said to me came back.

'I cant believe he said that to us.' my wolf said lowly.

'I know, but its like he never even loved us'

'maybe he was drunk and didnt know what he was doing'

'thats impossiable because he didnt even drink at all'

I sat up and looked at Jesse who was already looking at me. "Im sorry about what happened yesturday."

i stood up and held the tears down. "Im fine, i just need to go for a run."

"You want me to come along. I can do a spell and turn myself into a wolf."

"no, Jesse i just need time to myself."

He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. I grabbed my stuff and walked over to my room with the girls. Skylar was pasted out on her bed with all her clothes still on. I took a shower and took some meds for my headache. I grabbed my yoga pants and a tank top and put my hair in a pony tail. As i was about to walk out out the door my cell rang. Without looking at the caller ID I just answered.


"Hey Al its Jase."

"Hey babe, whats up?"

"I was wondering if i could take you to breakfast?"

"yeah you can." i smiled.

"okay then open the door."

"what door?"

i heard him laugh. "the one to your dorm."

I put my hand on the door knob and opened it. Jason was standing there with red roses and a box of chocolate and a teady bear. "I love you."

"Jason, you didnt have to do all this you know. Plus its not valentines day."

He shrugged. "I love you and i will do what i please."

I stepped out and hugged him. He sniffed me. "you smell like Jesse."

I looked at him and told the truth. "Nothingat all happened we only kissed i swear."

"Allison calm down, Im not that mad." He said kissing my head.

"why are you being so....not your self."

"Come on lets just go to breakfast."

I nodded and walked back inside and brushed my teeth. i took my gift that Jason got me and sat them down on my bed. We walked out of the dorm areas and to the cafeteria. But we didn't stop we walked through the cafeteria, to outside. There was sitting a car that i knew was Jason. I looked at him. " How did you get your car all the way to London?"

"I didn't i rented and got one that looks like mine."

I got in and we drove to a small cafe that me and Skylar go to. We got out and went inside. "So what do you want?"

Skylar's P.O.V

i rolled over to come face to face with the floor. I groaned and lifted myself up off the floor. I looked over at the girls beds to find them empty. "They would leave me right."

I sat on my bed and rubbed my head. I got up and took a shower and put on some jeans and a T-shirt. I saw that Allison had the ibuprofen out for her headache i guess. i took some and headed out to the boys room. The door was already open and Jesse was moving around the room placing things where they needed to be. "Good moring sleeping beauty."

He looked at the door way and glared at me. "Just because your my step sister doesnt mean you have to spy on me."

Jesse and i are step brother and sister but we dont really like to talk about it. My mom got married to his dad a few years back. I had the option to change my last name to his but i didnt want to i would rather keep my real dads last name. Even though he was never around and out late doing who knows what...but im not gonna get into that story. i flipped my hair over my shoulder. "I shall do what i please."

"Sky what do you want?" He said putting his shoes on.

"I was wondering if you know where Allison is, i need to talk to her."

As he opened to say something Allison came through the door with Jason. I looked at him and then to her. "Well...hey."

"hey." Jason waved at us.

I poked Jason. He looked down at me with his gorgous green eyes. No Skylar he has a mate thats your best friends boyfriend so...dont think like that. "Can i talk to you outside?"

He nodded and looked at Allison. "Babe, i will be out here ok?"

Allsion nodded and contiuned to try to wake Joey and Katie. I led him outside and shut the door a tad bit. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Whats up."

"So whats up with that douche of a alpha of yours."

He looked down the hallway of the dorms and then back to me. "Hes being a dick right now. I asked him what the hell his problem was, and he said that Allison is whoring around. I was like what kind of bullshit answer is that Levi. Then he goes, Jason you know me the best out of everyone, you of all people should know once a player always a player."

"so that was his lame ass excuse. Did he leave and went back to the U.S." I said putting my arms to the side.

He nodded."Yeah they all left last night so they can get there. Levi had some bussness to take care of with the other alphas. And of course my friend Austin and Justin had to make a joke out of it. Austin goes dude once a player always a player is like saying once a fat man always a fat man. Then my friend Justin goes, yeah thats like me saying once a Levi always a Levi and we all know that thats a lie because the truth is your never gonna be just a levi forever.... your gonna be a douche to, not just levi." He looked down and smiled."Those two are always thew ones trying to lighten up the mood. But anyways, hes not giving me a good enough anser of why he did the who kiss the other girl thing. I dont know one minute hes all happy to be here and happy to see her the next thing i know is that hes being a douche as usual but a even worse than before."

I nodded. "At least your here right, your not gonna leave her."

He nodded. "Allison is my whole world. I will seriously drop everything for her and go to her." He started to smile at the ground. I could tell that Jason really did love Allison. I never seen one being love one peron so much in my life before. I looked at him and smiled."Thanks for being there for her."

He nodded and turned around going into the room. I followed behind him and saw Allisons eyes brighten up at the sight of him. I sat on Jesse's bed and took his laptop. "Whats your password."

He looked at me. "you can kiss my ass for all i care, im not telling you."

I was about to say something sarcastic back to him but all our phones beeped at the same time. The only time all our phones do that is if the elders are calling us. Joey popped right up out the bed and looked around. "we gotta go before they yell at us." He said looking for his phone.

I laughed at him and stood up. "Lets go."


I walked behind Allison and Jason as they held hands. We walked into the elders building and they all sat in there're regular seats. we bowed to them then stood up. Jason stayed outside while the rest of us took care od business."You summoned us?" I said as i looked at them. I caught Ms.Lee's eyes and she was staring at me.... with lust? Okay yeah i know i get girls falling all over me, but a elder thats just a no no right there. She snapped her neck away and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Did that just happen or am i dreaming?

"Yes, we called you here because you have your first mission. Its not a summoning but a problem which i think you lovely people can take care of." Mr. Barton said as he took his feet down.

"We are gonna need details and such." Allison said looking at him.

"The location is the Dark Moon Pack. They have been having a rouge problem lately. They chase them off their territory but the scents dissapear at a certain point and they have no clue why." Ms.Lee said looking at us all.

Why does that pack sound so familiar to me. I heard it from somewhere but where. Then it clicked thats Allisons pack name. Wait...shit thats Allisons pack name. I looked over at her an she was in a state of shock. I grabbed her hand an she squeezed it.

"Are you okay Allison?" Mr.Vadeer asked looking at her face. Allison nodded and squeezed my hand tighter.

He nodded and continued the rest of the information we needed. "You all will be leaving right after this meeting. Your plane is scheduled to leave at 2:30 pm. Mr. Michels already has your rooms ready for you to stay at there pack house. While your there you are going to be like any other teenager. You all will be attending CNH, in other words, Charlotte North High home of the bull dogs. Allison's old school. This is not a vacation, you may have fun but you have to get business in there somewhere. We will contact you once every week. So go and pack...Prince Hilton should be here in a few. He will be coming with you as well, oh and your brother." Allison nodded and we bowed to them, we headed outside where Jason was waiting and as soon as the doors shut behind us Allison let out a horrifying scream. I covered my ears and looked at her.

"Damn it Allison, can you warn someone next time."

"Don't mess with me right now Jess, this is a serious problem." she warned.

"Babe whats going on?" Jason said walking up to her.

"We have a mission, and it's in the Dark Moon Pack territory. And we will be staying there along with Hilton and My moron brother." she said waving her arms around.

"It's not nice to call your own blood a moron you know." A voice said from behind. I already knew who it was and I didn't need to turn around.

"Dylan, why are you here?" Allison said looking at him angrily.

"Well one, I'm your brother and I can be, two because I'm good looking, three because I'm a Alpha who needs to speak with the elders, and four to tell your ass to go pack because we are leaving in a few minutes." he smiled.

I snickered and Allison snapped her head to me. I covered it up with a cough and looked off into the distance at some birds. I looked back towards them and they already started walking off.

"Really guys?" I called after them.

"Yeah butt face." Skylar called back.

"I wouldn't be talking man whore." I smirked knowing that would get to her.

She turned and faced me. "what did I tell you about calling me that?"

I smirked and shrugged. " I don't know I'm not the one whoring around."

She was about to say something when Joey grabbed me and pulled me away from the annoying face I call my step sister.

We caught up with everyone and Jason looked over at me. "Remember that favor I told you to do, but you might get punched in the face sooner or later?"

"Umm yeah, sure I guess?"

Then it hit me, the club favor with drunk Allison. I moved away from him and looked at him. "Wait you told me..."

"I did so tell you, you were going to get punched in the face. And yes even though I gave you permission I still felt the hurt and pain in my chest and yes my wolf wanted you to die and rip you to pieces. But I didn't kill you....which is a point for me so.... good luck trying to avoid me when we get to the U.S." he smirked.

Joey and everyone started laughing. "All of you set me up,you assholes." I said ignoring them walking faster. Gosh I could already tell this was going to be one hell of a mission , trip or what ever the fuck you would call it.



Since today is my birthday I shall update for you soooooo


Here you go my ninjas you have been waiting for this soooooo here you go.

There will be a lot more of Jason's and Allison's mom in this book don't worry we didn't forget about them.


•what do you think Jason's gonna do to Jesse when the get back?

•Will Levi continue to be the ass wipe he is or will he come to terms that he needs Allison?




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