21. Not that i care

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Allison's P.O.V

"Gawd thought you never die." I said under my breath as I threw his head I ripped off in the flames of the fire.

I wiped my lips from is kissing many times but it just made my lips chapped. I took the keys off his body and walked over to the door. I shifted to my panther form and held the keys in my mouth. Since it was dark I had night vision and could see anything that moved. I stayed low and kept my head in the game. I continued through the never ending corridors.

Door after door it was like a maze. I had to think like Austin. He's stupid and does stuff and don't think about it. So I went on pure instinct on turning corners. I got to a door and stopped. I shifted back to my human and tried to turn it open but it was locked. Since he only had two keys it was a 50/50 chance. I choose the one with the more ragged edges and slid it in. I turned it slowly and it clicked. I pulled the key out and opened the door a little. I saw no one nor did I smell anyone in the room.

I shut the door behind me and locked it. I turned around and it was the exact room I was looking for. The portal from this world to mine. I couldn't just go through it because it maybe could take me to a completely different place. Plus I couldn't leave Jason's mom here. I would just have to sit and wait for my brother to come.

Levi's P.O.V

All I had to do was distract them. Who was them. I didn't know but that's all Dylan asked me. I started to hear voices and I ran toward them. The trees began to split and became a clearing. I crouched down and made my way toward them. I came out and they spotted me and fear flashed through there eyes.

One was tall and lean with pale skin and dark circles around his eyes like he hasn't slept for days. The other was short and fat. Almost like a hobbit. i had to keep myself from laughing at that thought but I pulled it together. I seen Jason on the other side along with Dylan and Skylar.

"Oh Mr.Alpha. What a surprise." the lean one said nervous.

I growled and glared at them.

"We we're just leaving. Don't mind us." Said the hobbit like man thing.

I saw the hobbit man whisper to the lean guy and he smirked. Then all of a sudden he started to duplicate himself and there were at least 20 of him.

I looked past them towards the others and they weren't there.

'Help here!?' I yelled through the link.

All of them ran at me and I took down 5. 15 more to go. As I turned around to snap at the person I felt something really hard hit my head. I tried to keep my eyes open but the headache hurt. I saw a large wolf stand over me protectively. Jason. I saw that he was angry from something. Because the only time his fur would stand up like that and his eyes turn that color is when he would really get pissed off. As they all ran at him he took them down one by one not letting any of them get close to me. He snapped his head towards the two guys and they looked scared beyond belief. He ran and pinned them both to a tree. Skylar walked out and put handcuffs on them. Jason trotted over to me.

'Levi. Don't go to sleep.'

'But I'm tired.' I said closing my eyes.

'Levi. Levi? Levi!?' was the last thing I heard before I let the darkness take me.

Jason's POV

'Levi. Levi? Levi!?' I barked at him but he fell into a deep sleep.

I looked at Dylan and shifted back to human form not caring that I had no close on. I heard Skylar gasp and then said something at I had basketball shorts on. I had to thank her later for that.


"He's a Alpha he should have taken care of it." he spat out. "plus you didn't listen to a alpha when I told you to stand down."

"I will not stand the fuck down when my best friend mind you also alpha is getting the shit beat out of him. Alpha or not. I don't give a shit about you and your ways. Just help us get Allison and you can leave." I all but growled out.

"Guys calm down." Skylar said tring to calm us.

"You can go fuck yourself Jason!" he yelled at me.

"Well I think that's to late. I already had your sister do it for me!" I yelled back.

"Did you just tell me you fucked my sister?"

"Are you deaf? I don't think so... your a werewolf. Do you want me to get a microphone so you can here?" I sarcastically snapped back.

He got close all in my face. We were chest to chest and breathing on each other.

"You know you think your real tough you know that." He glared.

"I don't have to think I know. So get your head out your ass."

"I'm a alpha Jason. It's a fight your bound to lose." He smirked.

"Lose to a pup like you. Ha. Never in a million years." I laughed in his face.

This made him get ticked off and he went to punch me but I ducked under it and stepped back into fighting position.

"You swing like a bitch." I growled and tackled him to the floor.

I was on top of him and punched him in the face. His head snapped right, he looked back at me and shoved me over to the other side. He punched me twice the third swing he took I ducked under and kicked his legs from under him. I heard Skylar yelling for us to stop but I ignored her.

I elbowed him in the face 3 times and he was bleeding out of the corner of his mouth. His fist flew up and connected with my jaw. I'm pretty sure I was bleeding out the corner of my eye.

I rolled to the side and jumped back up.

"I swear if Allison can feel this I'm gonna kick your ass even more then I already am."

He was about to charge at me when I saw Dave come and hold him back. I felt arms pull me back and knew it was Justin or Austin.

"Your a bitch of a mate." Dylan growled.

I tried to get at him but whoever was holding me back.

"Calm down Jase."

Yup it was Austin.

I calmed myself down and breathed in and out. "Ok. I'm good."

Austin let me go but Dave kept his hold on Dylan. I saw that Dylan wanted to rip me apart. He probably saw the same look in mine.

I looked and saw 3 birds fly down and to us by he changed into there human form and greeted us. Which meant they saw the entire thing.

They didn't talk much. They got straight to work on opening the portal to get Ally.



Jason so won that fight. What do you think????


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