10. Life is a bitch

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Allison's P.O.V

About a 2 quarter mile in the scent of vampire was strong along with Rouge. I sniffed the ground and the others sniffed around the other areas.

'The scent of magic is extremely strong over here.' Katie said sniffing an area.

I heard a crunching noise and I opened my ears up. I put a non noticeable bubble around out that no one could get through.

Then from the shadows out stepped a rouge, a vampire, and the man I so wanted to die.

My adopted-father.

He smiled at me. "hello my long lost daughter."

I turned back into my human form because i had my suit under my clothes. The suit doesn't rip to pieces when I shift. It was black and I loved it.

"You don't belong here." I said aware of all my surroundings.

"Oh daughter, how's your mother."

'Allison, don't let him get to you.' Jesse's voice flooded my mind.

"She's non of yours, so mind your own." I said.

He laughed and the wolf started to circle us. I watched him carefully and watched my father.

"I just need to talk. Now where's the Alpha?"

"Not here."

He looked at the others behind me. "Oh yeah that's right. Daughter of the true Alphas, you are the Alpha. Wait no I'm mistaken, your brother is."

"Don't speak of him." I growled.

"Sister protective of her brother." He smirked.

I sensed a change in the atmosphere an looked at the vampire who slowly began to walk around us. I kept my eyes on him. Orange hair and a sly smirk. I growled and he took off towards the pack house.

"Jesse with me!" I yelled running my vampire speed after him.

The others stayed behind to take care of the rouge and captain drunk-tard. I ran and jumped over fallen trees after the bastard. I started to see the sight of the pack house and I picked up my speed. I jumped and landed on him. I cracked his neck and knocked him out. Jesse trotted over to me. 'Should I go get the cell ready?'

I nodded towards him and I put the vampire on his back. He went towards the pack house and I ran back toward my group. The rouge lay on the ground sleep. I looked looked at Skylar who had my father levanting.

"Want me to finish him?" she said angry.

"No, I got this." I said a few words and he disappeared.

"Where did you send him?" Sky asked.

I looked at her. "A cell that the strongest witch can't even get out of."

She nodded and we headed back towards the pack house.


"Allison, you gave orders without my permission!" Dylan yelled at me.

"Ok, yeah I did. It's my team!" I yelled back at him.

"I'm Alpha!" he yelled.

"So am I!" I growled out.

"But you need to follow my directions when I give them to you." He yelled back at me.

"Dylan that means nothing. I have alpha blood to your words and orders don't offend me you moron." I yelled back at him.

"It's your job to listen Allison. You need to think sometimes."

"I do think Dylan, I have been thinking. Whatever I do it's like its wrong. I mess up I'm scolded for it, And when I actually do something good, it's like you could have don't better. What do you want from me."

"Think about what dad would have wanted for his daughter. He passed it down to me. I'm Alpha, and you obey." He said his eyes black. "I didn't see dad hand it down to you now did I?"

I looked at him. How could he say that, why would he say that to me. He was older than me anyway, and I never even got to know our parents. His face went into shock and his eyes went wide. "Allison I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean what Dylan! That you are so special because dad passed the Alpha position down to you. Dylan I didn't even get to know them, but you did. But you seriously had to steep that low just to frustrate me? You know what I'm out of here!" I yelled and ran out the pack house.

"Ally whats wrong?" Jason asked running up to me.

"This whole job thing is to hard." I grabbed my phone and called the elders.

"Hello? Allison?" Mr.Barton said into the phone.

"I'm sorry Mr.Barton." I said as tears began to fall.

"Allison, whats wrong? Are you hurt?" he said concern clear in his voice.

"No. I can't do this job anymore. I quit, I'm giving the job to Skylar she's ready to take charge I can't." I hung up and turned my phone completely off. I looked up at Jason. "I can't do this anymore Jase."

He took a step towards me and I took one back. "Everyone around me always gets hurt."

"That's not true Allison, your just tired and your talking off the wall." he said taking a step forward.

"Allison, I can't take your job, your the one qualified for it." Skylar said behind me.

I turned and looked at her. My entire team was standing there. "I'm sorry."

I looked at Jason. " I love you."

I felt eyes on my back and knew it was Levi. I turned around an looked at him. "Levi, you may be a ass at times but always remember I will love you."

"Allison, what are you doing?"

I sucked in a breath and in my vampire speed I got to my car. I opened it and started it up.

"Allison!" I heard Jason's voice shout.

'Don't come look for me.' I linked to all of them. I blocked the out and pulled of down the driveway.

"Allison!" I heard people yell from behind the car.

I got into the road and drove faster. There were 3 wolves running along side of my car. I knew it was Levi, Jason and Jesse. I pushed the gas harder and sped off. Even though they were wolves I'm sure they can't out run a sports car.

I looked in the mirror and saw 3 wolves standing in the middle of the road looking at my car.

"Good bye." I said looking back at the road.



I love you my SMEXY Panda bear.


💋🎀🎄🐼🎁🎅LATERZ my bears🎅🎁🐼🎄🎀💋

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