12. Is it ok

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Jason's P.O.V

I walked down the stairs and straight to the living room. "Hey, is Levi around." I asked one of the pack members.

"No, I'm sorry Jason, maybe check his office." Marion, a pack mom said nicely.

I nodded once and walked to his office. Without knocking I opened the door and he had his head on the desk. "Thanks for knocking... now go away."

"Dude, it's me." I said sitting on the couch.

"Ok cool, now go away." he said not even looking at me.

"Has Allison's wolf been calling out to yours?" I asked.

He looked at me and boy did he look bad. I mean the Levi I use to know would have been way more cocky and just more lively. This Levi's eyes were almost sunken in, he basically looked dead. I mean, I know I look dead too. I know I didn't look as bad as him. Hell we both look like crap.

At the same time we said to each other. "You look like crap."

"Tell me about it. I haven't been to the gym in a week. I only ate twice because my mom forced me to." Levi said putting his head back down on his desk.

"Skylar is taking car of me and is watching me with every movement I take. If I don't eat she forces me. But I think she's kinda going to far with it." I said shaking my head.

"What you mean?" He ran his hand through his hair.

"Like she's calling me Jase only Allison does that. I swear at night, when I'm in my room, I can smell her scent at my door. Actually I think I'm being stalked."

"Who in the hell would want to stalk you." Levi halved smiled.

"Many people." I said cracking a smile.

"Enlighten me." He said standing up.

"Skylar, Brittany. There's more but I just can't think about them at the time."

"Well anyways we have to find Austin because I need him to help train some people."

"He's been missing since Allison left." I said pulling my phone out and calling him.

Then I heard him pick up. "Hello Austin the wonderful speaking."

"Where in the hell are you?"

"I'm with your girlfriend, who else." He said like they just left the house.

"What, why, who the, why in the hell did you not call, text,link,email, or even write a letter and tell us you found her." I said standing up putting it on speaker for Levi to here.

"Because I promised her I wouldn't, plus Tiffany keeps calling me."

"She's your mate." Levi said confused.

"I know this, but she's annoying the crap out of me. Yes, trust me I miss her but I needed time alone." he said.

"That's not the point, where's Allison?" I asked looking at the phone.

"Right here. We're at Walmart." He said like it was just another normal day.


There was silence for a second and then I heard Allison's voice talking to Austin. Then Austin answered again. "Allison wants to know if anybody questioned the prisoners?"

"Put her on the phone." I said.

"She refuses to speak with anyone. Only me."

"Tell her that as her boyfriend that misses her if I can talk to her?" I said hoping it would work.

I heard him repeat it back to her and I heard her say "no."

Austin went to speak but I cut him off. "When is she coming home?"

"Before Christmas."

"That's in what a week or 2." Levi said aggravated. "Austin I need you and her here right the fuck now."

"Ok ok ok. I will try to reason with her."


"ok ok ok. I will try to reason with her." Austin said on the side of me.

Ever since Austin found me I have had the most fun ever since I left London. How he found me, I have no clue at all. All I know is that, when I went to my motel I was staying at he was sitting there at the door step. Waiting for me.

"Allison, at least think about going back. Plus I'm sure Tiffany misses you." Austin said trying to hand me the phone.

I pushed it away. "She probably forgot all about me and is thinking about you."

"You have a point, but what about your job?"

"What job? I quit remember." I said walking into the frozen food isle.

"Guys, I don't think she plans on coming home anytime soon." He said into the phone.

I opened the freezer and pulled out frozen strawberries. "Oh I like these."

"Ew, I don't want those. I thought we were getting French fries?" Austin said looking at the bag.

"That's fattening." I said closing the freezer.

"Austin gives no fucks about fattening. If it fattens me I get fat, oh the fuck well, now hand me that bag of fries." he said pointing to the large bag.

I laughed and grabbed the bag. "skinny boy, fat thoughts."

He smiled at me. "The perks of you being my best friend."

"I thought Justin was your bff."

"We passed that stage. We are basically brothers."

"Yeah a couple of morons." I said laughing.

"That's so weird!" He said looking at the phone then to me.


"Jason and Levi just said the same exact thing you just said at the same exact time." Austin said in amazement.

"Oh and we have to go to the hair isle." I said pulling him along by his hand. It wasn't wrong he's my best friend he has a mate I have two of them. It wasn't wrong and he didn't seem uncomfortable.

"Why?" he said looking at me.

"Because I have this idea." I said.

I let him go and stopped at this clothing rack instead while he talked on the phone. "Hey you?" a voice said.

I looked up to see this Guy about 6'2 brown eye and black hair. "Is that your boyfriend?"

I didn't know what to say. If I said no would he hit on me if I said yes would he say I'm a slut. So I just went with plan A. "Nope."

He smiled. "Well he's cute."

Oh this is gonna be great. No this is gonna be hilarious.Hahaha Austin attracts gay men. I looked at Austin who was to busy talking on the phone. I looked back towards the guy. "Thanks, wanna meet him."

I saw his eye grow and he nodded. oh he's gonna kill me for this one. "Oh Austin."

He turned and hung up the phone. "Yeah?"

"This is a friend of a friend I just met."

Austin looked at him. "Hey."

The guy waved at him and smiled. "I like your eyes."

"Ummm. Thanks I guess?" Austin said confused.

I walked up to the guy. "He's really shy, so your gonna have to make the first move." He nodded and walked past me and I pulled my phone out my pocket quickly and put it on video.

"So. Your name is Austin." The guy said.

"Yeah, you are?"

"I'm Timothy. But you can call me Tim."

"Ok Tim. I have to go now." Austin said. Trying to walk around him Timothy stopped him.

"Ok so I'm just gonna say what I wanna say. I think your cute, and have really nice eyes. You seem really funny and generous. So maybe we can do something together or hangout."

I started dying laughing behind the guy. I put my hand over my mouth and watched Austin's face as it came to realization.

"Wait, did you just call me cute?" Austin said confused as hell.

He nodded. "You are."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ok. Yeah ummmm. I'm not like that sorry. Yes, I know I'm a pretty boy but I like chicks. You know girls....things with a virgina. Not dicks but chicks. I hope you can find someone better good looking than me, which I highly doubt. But I'm sure you can get close to it. " Austin said trying not to sound as rude as it came out.

"Are you against gays or something?" the guy said angrily.

"Wait. What. No. I mean. I wasn't prepared for this. I need to let my brain process whats going on right now. My brain moves as fast as turtle and things just came rushing at me. I'm still stuck on you name. Tom, Toby, Tim-Tim something like that." Austin rushed out then he looked at me. "My girlfriend is right here. Come here Allison."

I laughed and walked over towards him. "Yup?"

"Wait she said your not dating." Tim said looking at me.

"Yeah, no she plays a lot of tricks. Isn't that right Allison?" he said putting his arm on my waist. My wolf was laughing her ass off which I will join in shortly.

I nodded. "Just something I do."

Tim smiled. "Sorry about that then."

"No your fine." Austin said giving a tight smile.

"Allison is it?" he asked me.


"Can I have your number just so we can laugh and hang out." He smiled.


"What?!" Austin said looking at me. "No, you just met the guy."

"He seems cool. Plus we all have to have that one gay friend." I said looking at Tim.

I gave him my number and started to walk away.

"Wrap your hands around my waist for the rest of this trip in Walmart. You know what, this shit only happens in Walmart." He said lowly in my ear.

I laughed and the entire time we were in Walmart I had to either hold his hand, his waist, or just jump on his back for a piggy back right. Which I do all the time with him anyways. Just so all the girls and guys don't bother us.

Unknown P.O.V

"Master, we have not heard any information from Mark." I said bowing to Tyler.

"Well find out where the hell he is because we are losing day light here." Tyler barked at me.

"That's the thing. The rouge, the vampire and him are also missing."

"This is why you don't send retards to do a Liches job." He said putting his knife down. "Get my prisoner!"

"Yes sir." My fellow vampire said.

They ran off and shortly came back with her. "here she is."

"Whats the easiest way to pull your son, out of their territory along with his mate." Tyler said to the women.

"I will never let you harm my son Jason and his mate." she said and started to struggle.

"I don't want him I want her. But now if he gets in the way, then we have a problem." Tyler said smiling.

"Hello, why can't I get service on my phone here." That stupid high voice cut in.

"Because blondie, we are in a place where you can't get good reception." I said glaring at her.

I hated that bitch. I didn't even want to work for Tyler, I was forced into this by Mark when he found me half dead on the side of the road last month. All I do around here is deal with peoples stupidity. I had a life, a good one. Went to school was looking forward to college but no. I was stupid enough to get messed up in this fucked up weird supernatural world that I didn't even know existed. I never wanted this I liked being human. Then I found out Allison was one of them. Hell I thought she was human at first. Like I said I oh deal with people's stupidity. But when they told me shoot her that night when she turned the corner. I couldn't do it, she was pretty. I can't shoot someone point blank in the face. But I sure as hell could shoot blondie over here.

She looked at me. "It's not blondie, it's Brittany."

"Tomato, tomato." I said flipping her off. "If I had a pennie for everytime you said something stupid. I would be richer then the Prince himself."



Happy New year guys

All of you have been wonderful fans and readers I LOVE YOU

also I will be trying to upload more often



Good bye 2013 and hello 2014

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