7.Now the bullshit begins

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Allison's P.O.V

"Come on Jason, wake up." I said pushing him from side to side.

"Two more minutes." He groaned into my pillow.

I stood up and got my clothes out for stupid school. I went in the bathroom and started my shower. I heard someone come in and assumed it was Jason. My wolf went frantic and I went on guard when the scent didn't register who it was. I let out a growl and soon the scent was gone. I turned the shower off and grabbed my towel and wrapped myself up. I stepped out and didn't see anything unusual. Jason knocked and opened the door.

"Are you ok? I heard your heart beat pick up."

I nodded and looked at the mirror that's when panic hit me. On the mirror it was written in my red lip stick.

'Keep your friends close, but your enemy's closer bitch.'

I walked out the bathroom and sniffed around going into full Alpha mode. I didn't pick up anything not even a strand of hair.

Jason rushed over to me and checked me over. "Are you ok, your not hurt are you? I'm Gonna kill someone if they seen you bare."

"Jase I'm fine, really. Just a little shaken up. I have to meet with Levi and his dad after school about the rouges trespassing."

He nodded and looked me over again and smirked. "Maybe I should have gotten up and taken a shower."

I plucked his forehead and got dressed. It was getting colder outside and it could snow any day now. I put a pair of skinny jeans on and black combat boots on. I grabbed my light pink sweater that the sleeves were longer on my arms. And to finish it off my black beanie was put on. I went down stairs at the smell of food. I left Jason upstairs so he could get finish getting dressed without me being a distraction to him. I jumped down the last step and ran swiftly into the kitchen.

"Whats cookin mama?"

"Whats left of the food in the house, cuz your friends here eat a lot."

I went into shock. "Is there still food?"

She smiled and took a plate out of the microwave and handed it to me. "Always."

I took it happily and smiled at her. "Thank you moms."

I looked at the table where all my friends were sitting and glared. "You all took my food."

Skylar smiled at me. "We still love you."

I sat on the island. "Yeah sure."

I saw hand take one of my bacon pieces. I looked up at my thief and Jason was chewing happily away at it.

"Your lucky your my mate, or I would have chopped your hand off."

He smiled his perfect white smile at me that any girl would drop dead for. He must have heard my heart beat pick up because he moved closer to me.

"Hey hey hey, this is a kitchen not a bed room." my mother slapped Jason on the back of his head.

His head jerked forward and glared down at my plate of food. "Sorry."

I looked at my mother who was smiling. "It's fine, you just have to cook dinner now."

His head shot up and looked at me then turned to my mother. "By cook you mean order take out, and call it a day."

Everybody in the kitchen erupted in laughter.

"It's time to go or were gonna be late."

I finished off the rest of my food and hopped off the island.

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