20. Cool

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Allison's P.O.V

"So you mean to tell me that you guys have been here for years?" I questioned.

The young girl nodded. She was a little green warlock. Half her face was green the other was human. Her name was Lillian I found out. From the moment I stepped out and turned into my wolf they all bowed and said Alpha. At first I was confused on how they knew but that's when Lillian introduced herself. She told me that my parents saved her family once when vampires tried to kill there village. They said I looked exactly like her. They all knew that the Alphas had a daughter and son but try didn't know I survived.

"Have you ever thought of leaving here? Or even escaping?" I asked her.

He looked down at her hands. "I'm scared to. That they will find me and kill me."

I hugged her to me. "Don't worry. I will get us out of here."

She looked up at me. "How?"

"Someway." I said. I didn't want to tell her exactly how because I just met her and she could be evil.

I stood up and looked out over the courtyard. I saw vampires at every entree, doorway, everywhere.

'Hey. I have a idea.' My wolf said in the back of my mind.

I thought about it. 'Don't think so. why?'

'Why not be a horny teenage girl.'

I could tell she was smirking in the back of my mind. 'That's why I love you.'

'I love me too.' she snickered.

I shifted my eyes to red and and elongated my canines.

I looked around and started over towards the guy who was tall and had black hair. he saw me walk over to him and smirked. "What are you doing?"

I got close to him. "I don't know. I got bored and then I saw you."

He looked me over and could tell he was checking me out. "No. What do you really want?"

I knew Jason and Levi was gonna feel what I was doing. But this was the only way possible for me to leave this place.

"You know what I want." I smiled at him.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me toward him. "I know you have mates."

"I know, that you know if your away from you mate to long it starts to hurt and girls become horny."

He smiled and pulled me to him. This is utterly Nasty. He's cold and not warm like my mates. I really am sorry for this Jason and Levi. I went on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back roughly and I felt him pick me up. He bit my lip and I gasp. Not I'm pleaser but in shock. He FUCKING JUST BIT ME. I felt us enter I guess was back into the castle because it was cold. My back hit the wall he groaned when I pulled his hair away from me. He looked at me and smiled. "I like you. Your a feisty one." his lips where back on mine. Soon I felt my back hit something soft. His lips went down to my neck and I just prayed he didn't bite me and turn me into one of them. I looked to see I was in a place with a fire place and everything was red and black. I was on a couch. This was heading way over my head then I exspected it too.

Levi's P.O.V

After I found my mom and dad to see if they were ok, I went to the living room to talk to Austin. As I hit the last step pain hit my chest. I fell to my knees and grabbed at my chest.

"MOM!" I yelled.

"MOMMY!" I yelled again.

I heard hurried foot steps descend down the stairs and I felt a hand on my back.

"Whats wrong with my baby?" She said looking at my face.

"My heart feels like it's being ripped out my chest, stepped on, run over by a bulldozer, shot with a gun, and broken into a millions of tiny micro pieces." I said closing my eyes tight.

She rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. "I know sweetheart. I know it hurts. It will go away soon."

"What is Allison doing?" I asked looking at her.

"She's probably trying to get out of a situation." She gave me a sad smile.

I rolled on my back. "MOOOOOOM."

"Levi it will go away soon. I promise."

Then it occurred to me. Is someone kissing her? Are they touching her? Is she ok? Do I have to kill someone?

I growled and rolled back over. "I have to go find Dylan."

I stood up and the pain continued and I walked out the door.

Jason's P.O.V

"It's is not possible to mark a female if she has two mates." Dylan stated plainly.

"Then how the fuck are me and Levi suppose to do!?" I squeaked at him.

He slapped me with his tail. "That's up to you and him."

I crossed my little raccoon arms. "Well I'm not giving her up. I was her boyfriend first. He was the jerk."

"Yeah. She found you second." He said.

"I dont give a shit who found her first. I kissed her first."

"Didn't he have sex with her first though?" Skylar piped in.

I jumped off of Skylars back. "Fuck you guys. I'm done."

As I started to walk away pain hit me. It hurt like a bitch.

"Whats wrong with him?" Skylar panicked and ran to me.

"Probably Allison getting herself in trouble." He laughed an kept walking.

"This isn't funny Dylan. He's really in pain." She growled at him.

She looked down at me and rubbed my head. I think Skylar had a thing for me but I didn't care for it.

"It's ok. Your ok." she purred.

"Yeah. I will be as soon as Allison comes back." I said trying to get away from her but she kept pulling me towards her.

"Stop flirting with him. He has a mate and I'm sure my sister would kill you." Dylan said now in human form looking down at us.

Skylar changed back to human form and Dylan turned me back into my wolf form. My head was laying on Skylars lap. The pain stopped and I stood up. I shook out my fur and leard running in the distance. From the sound of it it might have been Levi.

"The moron. I already have one now two." Dylan frowned. He snapped his fingers and then Levi popped in front of me and kept running and ran into a tree.

I rolled on my back and started laughing. He stumbled up and glared at Dylan.

It looked at if they were having a mental conversation. Then Levi nodded and took off running toward the west.

'Where's he's going?'

'What is he now your boyfriend.'

'What are you snapping at everything?'

'Because I can.' he growled.

'Dylan.' I snapped.

"If I'm away from my sister too long I start to become moody and, and... I just want my fucking sister back. I lost her once already. I'm not doing it again. She's the only family I have left so why won't you just lay off Jason." He practically yelled.

'What about all those years you were apart.' I growled back at him.

"The elders would help me control it. But as you can see they aren't here. So your just stuck with a asshole. The sooner we get Allison, the better."

I really wanted to punch him in the face, but I knew that would start something. But come to think of it. I wonder where Levi was going?



There's like 3-4 chapters left I think. Maybe more 😩


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