16. The truth

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Allison's P.O.V

"Where the hell am I?" I questioned as we walked through what seemed like the hundredths door of what seemed to be a castle.

"Can you at least shut up for a second." Tyler said looking at me with red eyes getting annoyed.

I growled at him and watched as more and more vampires passed us giving me death glares. We finally reached another door and went through it. Sadly I wanted to go back through the other door because I was in the dungeon.

"Why didn't you just use your powers to get us down here?" I said trying to get his grip off me.

He threw me in a dungeon and slammed the door. "Because if I do, I lose energy which means I lose life, then of which I would have to kill you before I get to play with you."

"I hate you." I smiled at him.

"Yeah I get that a lot. But I don't give a shit. See you in a few...oh and your magic doesn't work here." he smiled back and walked away hearing his foot steps fade away.

I stood to my feet and walked over to the bars. I put my hands on them. at the sudden touch they began to burn.

"Just what I thought. Always fucking silver." I walked back and leaned my head against the wall.

How am I suppose to get out of here. Come on Allison, think. your the daughter of the Alphas why does he want to kill you. Why is any of this happening?

"Hello?" I heard someone say quietly.

I crawled to the bars. "hello?"

"Who might you be if I may ask?" the women voice said.

"Ummm....Allison. and you are?" I said back.

"Oh goodness Allison dear, what are you doing here?" the voice started to sound more recognizable.

"Mrs.Carter?" I said in surprise.

"Allison. What did you do to get you in here, in this situation?" she sounded worried.

"I had to choose. My life, or my mates." I said sitting crisscrossed on the floor.

"It was a deal you couldn't say no to."

I breathed. "Yeah."

"How's my son? Jason."

"He's fine. He misses you and wants your mate dead. I don't blame him." I pushed some hair out of my face. "You been in here a year...correct?"


"You must have heard them over talking about a plan or something. Anything." I sounded desperate.

"Allison, I heard many thing. Things I can't un-hear. things I can't un-see. Many in which involve your name."

She sounded more angry than mad. Like, she wished Jason had another mate without all these problems. A mate that would be better. A mate that didn't have two boyfriends.

"Ms.Carter, I understand that you probably wish Jason had another mate but..."

"Allison, I don't wish that upon your relationship with my son. I'm angry because I can't do anything about it, I did nothing about it. I wish I could have done something to help." She sounded as though she was going to cry.

"You can still help me by telling me what you heard or over heard."

I heard her breath and sigh. "If I must." She continued. "I was here sitting locked up in this cell as usual and I heard Mark and Tyler talking about how this plan they made was going to work. How they would never see it coming."

"Wait. They knew you were in your cell and they were talking like you weren't."

"Yea. is something wrong?"

"That's what you call open bait. They wanted you to here it. Somehow they knew they were going to catch me and they knew I was going to ask that question to which you would happily tell me." I said putting it together.

I heard clapping approaching me and saw Tyler. "You are one smart chick, I tell you that much."

"Tyler you asshole." I cursed him.

"Well...if you want to know the full story why won't you let the one who's writing it tell you" he smiled.

"I'm already stuck in here might as well continue." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well. Thanks." He smiled smugly.

"Long ago before you were born my parents ruled over the werewolf population. Everything was in order the way they wanted it. But of course your stupid parents had to ruin everything. Nobody knew about this little army they were putting together to over throw my parents. But what we didn't know was that there plan was to destroy the entire Lich population. And that's exactly what they did." he looked more and more angry the more he told it.

"I doubt that my parents destroyed billions of you freaks."

He snapped his neck and looked at me. "They only needed to destroy one thing to destroy everything. From generation to generation a pearl was passed down from child to child. I was young and I thought its a stupid necklace, that's gay I'm not wearing that. But apparently that pearl held more then we all knew. That pearl held the power that Liches survived on. As soon as your parents took that off my mothers neck and crushed it then threw it in the flames of hell. All my people started to die out. Including my parents. But even before they died they told me. They told me they looked into the future and seen two children being born. One a boy, who will become powerful someday. A boy who just might be able to bring the dead back. Then they said there is a second child a girl. Who will become more powerful then ever before. A girl and can turn evil or stay true. With those powers combined they could be unstoppable."

"That's why you want me? To give you your parents back?"I asked getting nerves.

He started to chuckle. "No. The only reason I didn't die out was because I didn't use as much magic as everyone did back then they all practically lived off it. Me I didn't so much. I'm still alive from killing other witches and anything with power. But by killing you gives me billions of years if power to become stronger and take back what was mine."

"Your parents." I said again.

"The world. Do you even know what we did to you wolves back then?"

"I'm scared to know?" I said backing away.

"You guys made really nice jackets. Plus we got bored and played fetch like the dogs you are. Even more so...kill what needed to be killed." He got up and came to the bars.

"Now if any of your friends or mates come for you. You and them are dead right on spot." he smirked and walked out the door.

I stood up. "I gotta get out of here."



Don't know why that took me so long to write but here you go and don't be mad at me.

Anyways there's like 15 more chapters lefts maybe more maybe less I don't know yet. But here ya go!


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