25. Not today

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Jason's P.O.V

I saw him start to form a red ball in his hands. He was going to kill her. But no. She had my baby and was my mate. I wasn't going to lose her or the baby, not today. I ran full speed and just as she closed her eyes. I moved in front of her. I felt the pain and it hit me hard. It was like the lighting was striking my body over and over again. It didn't stop until I saw Dylan jump and tear him to shred. Allison looked down and screamed.


She took my hand in her's and kissed it.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Allison. Baby. I want you to know. I love you so much. You don't even know."

Tears rolled down her face. I lifted my hand and wiped them away. "Baby. Please don't cry. Please. I want to see a smile on your beautiful face before I go."

She choked. "No Jason. No. Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone. I need you. Jase please."

"Allison. I will always be with you in your heart. I will always look down and watch over you." A part of my heart was breaking from watching her now broken face.

"What about what you said this morning. You were going to be here and protect me." She cried out.

"I kept my promise. I protected you."

"What about the ice cream we were suppose to get when Levi wakes up. What about that?"

I smiled at her. "Baby. You and him can still get ice cream. Just eat some for me."

I saw Austin behind her. He walked over and bent down. He was my best friend, my brother. "Austin. Please watch over her. You and Levi are my best friends and my brothers. I love you guys."

He started to cry and nodded. "I love you too man."

I linked Levi even though he was sleeping. "Levi. I will miss you. You were always there when nobody wasn't. Thank you.'

'Your my best friend.' I could tell that was his wolf.

I looked back to my mate and then her stomach. "Allison. Tell my baby that their daddy loves him/her very much. Never let him or her see the bad things in life. Please. I love you Allison. Ask Levi to help you."

She bent down and kissed me on the lips. "I love you Jason. Forever and always."

I smiled at her. "Forever and always...."

I felt myself slip from them and drift away from my body.

Austin's P.O.V

"Jason no no no no. please come back no please." Allison cried.

I gave her my shirt and I had basketball shorts on.

I wrapped my arm around her and she cried into my chest. "Austin please bring him back I can't live without him."

I leaned my head on hers and cried. "I wish I could Ally bear. I wish I could."

I couldn't help but think back to the past.

~~Flash back~~

"Guys when I find my mate we are all going to be best friends." Jason said laughing.

"I don't want my mate anywhere near you guys." Levi said eating cookies.

"Wait. What you get for number two on the math homework.?" Jason questioned.

"I got 62." I said looking at it.

"No. It's 75." Levi said looking at his paper.

"It's not. It's 62." I said.

"Whatever. I'm just gonna write. 62 or 75."

"Wow." both and Levi said.

"What one of them are bound to be right." Jason said leaning back in the couch.

End of flash back.

"I didn't see this one coming. Why didn't I see this one." Dylan said pacing.

"Only if I saw it, I could have stopped it. I was such a jerk to him. Why am I such a asshole at times." He said walking to a tree and putting his head on it.

I looked down at my best friend's body. His eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing. I didn't hear a heart beat nor did I hear his breathing. There wasn't going to be his laughter anymore. There wasn't going to be his happy green eyes. They wasn't going to be anymore pranks. It was all gone.

I knew Allison was so broken to do anything. Now that Jason was gone I was Beta and Justin was now third in command. I looked at Justin and he nodded. I picked Allison up and started to walk to the pack house. I couldn't imagine the pain she's in right now. I whisper soothing words to her and from all the crying she was doing she passes out and fell a sleep in my arms. I reached the pack house and everyone was out side. They all cheered because we won. I stopped them and they all looked at my teared face.

"Beta Jason Carter is no longer with us."

There were whispers and gasp from everyone. I saw Jason's mom stumble out with pain all on her face.

"Where's my son?" she said in a hurt voice.

I looked down. "Ms.Carter I'm sorry but.... I couldn't do anything."

"Now Austin this isn't funny." She started to cry. "I know your a goofball but this isn't funny."

I looked down at Allison who was crying in her sleep. "He's gone Ms.Carter."

She fell to her knees and started balling. Some people rushed over to her. I walked down the path to the pack doctor's house where Levi was. I walked in and she looked up at me probably already knowing about the news. She didn't say anything and just let me go in Levi's room.

He was hooked up to wires and everything. It was the same room he was in when he got shot before. I sat Allison down by his side and put the blanket over them. I prayed to the goddess that Levi woke up soon. Because it was hard enough that we already lost one and we didn't need to lose our Alpha as well.



I can honestly tell you that I cried. My mom asked me why I was crying and I told her Jason died. She asked me who Jason was and I said a guy who stole the heart of many girls.

It's not over yet so don't say your gonna hunt be down and kill me because Jason died. It's not over ok.

Hehehe there's a Book 3. it's not posted yet I'm working on it! It should be posted in a few days. 😁😁👏👏


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