29. prologue

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Allison's P.O.V

"Clayton, don't pull on the curtains." I said rushing over to my son.

"But mommy there pretty." he said yanking on them.

"Clayton. There going to fall and hit you on the head." I said picking him up. "where Colton?"

"Colton's boring mom. He never wants to do anything fun." Clayton said sitting him on the kitchen counter.

I looked at him. "How old are you?"

"6." he held up his fingers.

"How old is Colton?"

"7. But he's only a month older then me. so I'll be 7 soon." He smiled.

"And mommys 24. Find Colton and go play with him."

"Daddy!" Clayton yelled and jumped down running over to Jason. Jason pick him up and smiled.

"How's daddy's big boy?"


"Have you practiced your whistling?" Jason raised a brow.

Clayton tried. But just spit everywhere. Jason laughed and sat him down. "Go find your friends and play."

"Ok daddy. Love you mommy." He ran out and into the backyard.

I looked at Jason. "How?"

I shrugged. "It's a.... Son to Angel thing I guess."

"Still don't understand how you can touch him and not me." I said turning around doing dishes.

"Trust me. It's better that way." he smirked and leaned on the counter. "Where's Alpha boy."

"Told him Clayton wanted a bouncy house for his birthday. That's what he went to go get."

"He's whipped." Jason laughed.

"So are you." I laughed back.

He was about to retort but the sound of my son screaming made us run to the door.

"Mommy! Daddy! look!" he pointed up at the tree.

I looked up and gasped. "Colton. Get out that tree right now."

"But Clayton dared me. And I never back down from a dare." he yelled down.

"Just like Austin." I said.

"Exactly like Austin." Jason said shaking his head.

"He's my son of course he's like me." Austin said walking up behind us.

"Should I bring up that cookie thing again?" Jason laughed.

"Look. I thought we got over that in High School. It was a fat stage ok. Didn't matter if I was 13."

Jason and I started laughing. "You still did it though."

"Ok Colton. Come down now." Austin said walking out the house and down the porch.

"I'm scared." He called down.

"Tiffany's going to kill me." he said turning around.

"I got'em." I said.

I went behind a tree and shifted to my panther. I jumped up to where he was.

'Get on my back.' I linked him.

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