~The Mute~ {FULL}

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Name: "Collin Lee Mason Stewart." He wrote down neatly on a white board with a shy smile.
Age: "20 years." He wrote after erasing the previous message with his sleeve. Me: "I'll take it from here, buddy." I said while taking the white board and marker. He signs "Thank you." In sign language.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3" or about 190cm
Species: Human
Personality: He is shy, calm, collected, romantic, sweet, kind, caring, quiet/silent (he's mute, he can't talk), loving, protective, smart, pretty damn tough, strong, and generous.
Appearance: He points up towards the media with a light blush dusting his cheeks.
Likes: Books, reading, school, math, science, and some bits of history.
Dislikes: Bullies, haters, popular people, and people that make fun of him for being mute.
Backstory: Collin cannot speak due to a misconception that happened when he was born. His vocal cords had not properly developed and were removed almost directly after his birth. As a result he has never spoken or made any sounds unless they were created simply by breath–such as huffing, growling, sighing, etc.. Therefore, all other sounds are silent; he cannot laugh or chuckle audibly, instead it just comes out silent or breathy. In addition, he cannot audibly cry but rather just let the tears fall with no noise other than shaky breaths. He has been bullied his whole life about his inability to speak and has known completely fluent sign language as his way of communicating since the age of four.
Other: His parents passed away right after he turned eighteen in a house fire and he inherited all of their wealth and luxuries. He attends college Monday through Friday from 4-9 pm and would like to become a pediatrician despite his lack of speech. He is well-known on campus because of his situation and is frequently bullied about it, mostly by someone that used to go to his high school and happened to end up at his college as well, along with the guy's posy of populars. He attends school at a college that is very hard to get into and is honestly quite baffled on how the idiot that messes with him all the time got in. However, he is a very good student and always has good grades. He is currently in his first year of proper pediatric medical school and is aiming to first get a bachelor's degree and then move on to get his doctorate. He has already achieved an associates degree for the two years of medical basics he completed at a community college prior to being accepted into this college. Also, he graduated at the top of his high school class and achieved valedictorian.

Scenario 1:
It was 7 o'clock in the evening and you were heading to your next class in a rush, not wanting to be late to anything on your first day. You attended evening classes at this new school that you had finally gotten accepted into after so much hard work. You had been rushing up the steps in the stairwell and accidentally missed a step and lost your balance. You felt yourself starting to fall backwards and you knew you were going to fall back down the stairs. But, you hit something flat and hard and by the time that you had landed and stopped you had two arms wrapped around you and your back was leaning up against a male figure as you sat safely in between his legs, no harm having been done to you. All you heard was a pained breath and a soft sigh from behind as the arms unwrapped themselves from around you. You look back over your shoulder to see the dark-haired male that had saved you from a nasty fall smiling shyly at you, almost nervously.

Scenario 2:
You were new at this college, having finally been accepted after all your hard work. It was only your second day and already you had heard all about some guy that went here who never spoke. No one really knew exactly what his story was because most couldn't speak sign language and simply didn't care enough to wait for him to write it down. As you were walking to your next class, at around 7:15pm (your next class starts at 7:30), you passed by two guys that seemed to be going at it. One guy was throwing insults and mockeries at the other, while the other just stood there stone-faced. It was obvious that he was getting agitated and wasn't going to put up with it much longer--he even attempted walking away a few times before his opponent would shove him back again. Before you could fully process what the teasing was about, the dark-haired male punched the blonde square in the face, sending him back into the opposite wall with a bloody nose. The blonde growled as he got back to his feet, ready to throw a punch back at the dark-haired boy. But as soon as the punch was thrown, the boy caught it with a firm hold on the blonde's fist. He narrowed his grey eyes and twisted his wrist, almost to the point of it snapping. The blonde pulled his hand away with a pained expression and watched as the boy that he had previously been taunting started to walk away, readjusting his book bag across his body and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I'll get you next time!" The blonde called after him scrutinizingly.


~Your character must be:
•Ages 18-20
•Preferably female
~Your character cannot be a mute as well because, 1. It isn't very common, and 2. It doesn't make things as interesting.
~Your character needs to have a way to communicate with him. Whether it be her knowing sign language or him just writing the things he would say down.

~Have Fun!~

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