~The Bowling Siblings~ {1/5}

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Name: Cole Yamakazi
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Species: Human
Personality: Kind, sweet, caring, sociable, excitable, loving, innocent, intelligent, free/flowing, hospitable, inviting, respectful, and loyal.
Appearance: Media. Black hair and blue eyes.
Likes: Bowling, his brother, bowling balls, bowling alleys, competitions, nice people, good sportsmanship, and pork cutlet (a Japanese dish, basically a fried pork chop).
Dislikes: Bad sportsmanship, his brother being angry, shouting, yelling, arguing, fights, cantaloupe, honeydew, apples, and conflict.
Other: He and his brother are famous within the bowling community for their skills and talent. They have been to many competitions and always won. Having been bowling since their childhood, they have always found joy and peace in it.

Name: Asher (Ash) Yamakazi
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Species: Human
Personality: Ash is a quiet, calm and collected, mature, respectful, intelligent, hospitable, and responsible young man. He is sometimes easily angered and used to have anger issues. He's very loyal and protective of his little brother. At times he can be romantic and charming when in a relationship but he is often just quiet and willing to go with the flow that his brother often creates. He is also very analytical and applies strategy to the game while Cole tends to just be free and happens to be extremely lucky.

The one on the right with white hair and red eyes

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The one on the right with white hair and red eyes.
Likes: Bowling, his younger brother, bowling balls, bowling alleys, competitions, championships, good sportsmanship, tournaments, friendly competition, spending time with his brother, and chicken parmigiana.
Dislikes: Anyone being rude to his younger brother, sore losers, bad sportsmanship, violence that isn't called for, mushrooms, raw tomatoes (uncooked), and bell peppers.
Other: He's the one that initially started to bowl and then taught his little brother when he got old enough. They trained together and one thing lead to another, leading them to be famous for their talent in the game.

Scenario 1:
You were attending the international bowling championship, lucky enough to be living in the city that it was being held. You were sitting in an area with the rest of the crowd behind the lanes, watching the remaining two teams. So far both teams had all strikes, until one team missed one pin on their last turn. The only way they could win now was if the other team missed two pins on their last turn. One was the Yamakazi brothers from Japan and the other team was two friends from America. It was Ash's turn once again and he grabbed his ball, making his way towards the lane and eyeing the pins analytically. If he made one last strike, he and his brother would be the winners with a score of three hundred since the American guy had just missed one pin on his last turn. Ash closed his red eyes and took a deep breath, his brother Cole biting his lip in anticipation, then reopened them and swung his arm back, taking a few steps forward. He then swung his arm forward and released the ball, sending it rolling straight down the middle of the lane. Soon enough, it made contact and knocked over all ten pins with ease. Cole jumped up from where he was sitting and hugged his older brother tightly with a bright and happy smile. "We did it!" He exclaimed, causing Ash to chuckle and hug him back with a smile. "We did." He said, nodding in agreement. They pulled away and high-fived each other then pat each other's shoulders. "Japan has one the championship!" The announcer said over the speakers and a trophy was brought to the two winners.
(This can be set in America, Canada, Australia, or a European country of your choice.)

Scenario 2:
You can make it up! :3

Backstory: (optional)
Other: (optional)

-You are allowed to have two characters in this one if you want.
-They must be at least 18.
-They need to know who Ash and Cole are.

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