~Christian De Ville~ {0/5}

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Name: "Christian De Ville, darling. If you were involved in the fashion world you would know that."
Age: "Oh dear, I don't look a day over twenty, do I?" He smirked. (22)
Gender: "Male, pumpkin, that part isn't hard to spot. Ha, get it? Spots!"
Height: "Taking measurements so soon?" (6'5")
Species: "I have furs, that doesn't mean I actually have fur darling." He pointed out. (Human)
Personality: "Perfect. Anything you could possibly wish for." (Christian is rather arrogant and egotistical, his success in life leading him to be pretty dâmn full of himself. However, he has his moments where he can be sweet and romantic rather than making everything about him. He has an...artistic...aura that helped him out with his success in the fashion world. He is somewhat flirtatious, even when he isn't trying to be. At first glance he may seem a little scary but usually his first impressions are superb–giving off a warm and friendly vibe. However, as few people have discovered, he actually has an anger management problem and snaps easily. Everything has to be perfect and go his way or else he is simply uninterested. While he is accused of being gay because of his high status in the fashion world, he actually has more of a thing for the ladies. Although, he is open to trying new things and has stated that he won't deny his willingness to give another male a chance if it offered to him, but he does prefer women when it comes to sexual preference.)
Appearance: "Many words can describe that. Sexy, hot, adorable, etc., etc.. You can choose." He said with a smirk. (Media)
Likes: "Furs, real ones at that. Spots, stripes, tips, tails, the lot!" (Mr.De Ville has a new found obsession with dalmatians's spots. However, since they are in fact domesticated dogs he is prohibited from making anything from their pelts otherwise he would be charged with animal abuse. Instead, he has a single Dalmatian puppy as a pet to keep himself around the gorgeous spots. He of course enjoys fashion–male fashion in particular–fur coats, the colors black & white, red, and perfection.)
Dislikes: "When my employees mess something up or don't make their deadline." He scoffed indignantly. (The fact that he is not allowed to make a gorgeous spotted coat, being accused as gay, being turned down, being showed disrespect, disloyalty, dishonesty, and bad fashion sense.)
Backstory: "Well there isn't much to tell." He answered and glanced down at his nails. (He took custom to fashion design in high school when he got his first suit for prom night. He realized how many different combinations could occur and still look absolutely superb. As a result, he started to draw his own designs and create some of his own clothing, then eventually created one of the most famous male clothing companies. He is the owner of De Ville Fashions and has many of his own lines of male clothing, most being rather formal.)
Other: Despite some of his flaws, such as anger management problems, Christian is a pretty nice guy once you get close to him.

We will talk about it! :)

Backstory: (optional)
Other: (optional)

-Keep things interesting.
-At least 18 years old.

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