~The Photographer~ {2/3} •Requested•

619 5 824

Name: "Kelsey Riggs."
Age: "20 years old, why?"
Gender: "....Really?" (Female)
Height: "Uh... Why?" (5'6")
Species: "...What are you talking about?" (Human)
Personality: "Well I guess you'll have to find that out for yourself, if you can get close enough." She winked. (Kelsey is a rather flirtatious young lass that loves taking photos and doesn't mind whether she is behind the camera or in front, loving both sides of the lens. She can be curious and sometimes even sassy as well as seductive. Along with that, she has of course done 'it' before. She certainly isn't shy and not extremely modest, however she does tend to keep to herself and mind her own business. But if she is spoken to first, all these qualities will start to make themselves clear. Even with these quote on quote 'naughty' traits, she is very kind and loving once she settles down. She's protective over the ones she loves and can sometimes come off as possessive, one thing that has prevented her from keeping a significant other for a long period of time.)
Appearance: "I have countless pictures, but I'll provide you with the one for now." She said and then smirked, "Getting excited are we?" (She is of average height with a thin and curvy figure. Her bust is one of her best aspects in her opinion, her bum being the second best. She isn't afraid to show her stuff, often wearing low cut shirts and short pants when it is warm outside. When it is cold she will wear longer pants but only if they are form fitting.)
Likes: Photography, pictures, taking pictures, being in pictures, sunsets and sunrises, the moon, pictures of the beach, and romance.
Dislikes: Snappiness, people calling her a whore, cats (she's allergic), rude attitudes, judgement, and creeps.
Backstory: "Sorry... I'd rather not say." (She was born out of wedlock since her mother had a drunken one night stand with a guy, which led to her creation. She will only do 'it' when there is protection involved unless she gets married. This isn't necessarily because she thoroughly believes in not doing anything physical or conceiving a child before marriage, but more so because her mother–who passed away from ovarian cancer–did. She wants to at least fulfill part of what her mother wanted since she made the mistake of doing it before she was married. In fact, she had a teen mom, her mother being 17 at the time she was conceived and 18 when she was born. She got her love for photography from her mother, who loved to scrapbook and document all of their times together from the time she was born.)
Other: "I don't think so." (She's really good at dancing, practically any kind.)

Scenario 1:
You were on your way back home from work, deciding to walk since you didn't live far away, and took the scenic route home. You were passing by the beach at sunset and when you looked towards the scene and saw a young woman setting up a tripod with a camera on top in the sand, presumably getting ready to take a photo of either the sunset or soon to be night sky. She almost dropped her camera while getting it set up on the tripod but caught it just in time and breathed a sigh of relief. She was wearing incredibly short jean shorts and a low cut white tank top, showing a significant amount of cleavage, which you caught when she turned around in a circle, seemingly looking for something else. She still hadn't noticed anyone passing by on her place low on the sand, black flip flops adorning her feet.

Scenario 2:
You finally got into the night club that you had been waiting in line to get into for hours, a smile on your face. You and a few friends had decided to go out for a night of fun and hopefully pick up some girls. You hung out with your buddies and had a few drinks, hours passing while you danced for a little while and then sat down. Soon enough, you were sitting at the table alone while your friends danced with some girls on the dance floor, taking a break while holding a drink in your hand. Your eyes scanned the area until they landed on a young woman with brown hair and brown eyes, an excellent figure to her body. She wore a low cut and short black dress, a confident aura dripping off of her. You couldn't take your eyes off of her, especially once she started to dance on the dance floor, her body moving along perfectly to the club music.

Backstory: (optional)
Other: (optional)

-Must be 22 or older.
-Must be male.
-And would preferably be successful in life, maybe even owning a business if you like.

Here you go fam faither_2002

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