~The Centaur~ {1/5} [DETAILED ONLY]

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Name: Chou (pronounced Ko) Nagasaki
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 6'10" (because she's a centaur)
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: French-American
Species: Centaur

Name: Chou (pronounced Ko) NagasakiAge: 17Gender: FemaleHeight: 6'10" (because she's a centaur)Sexuality: StraightEthnicity: French-AmericanSpecies: CentaurAppearance:

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Chou has long white hair that is usually pulled up but leaving out her bangs to frame her face and in a near-perfect manner. Her eyes are a bright and vibrant green in color with thick black eyelashes surrounding them. She also often puts the slightest bit of red eyeshadow to bring out her eyes a little more and compliment her slightly tanned skin (zoom in, the red color is there I promise). Instead of having normal human ears, Chou has ears that resemble that of a horse. Despite her species, she is somewhat short in stature. While still being taller than the average human, she is short in comparison to her species. Her figure on both parts of her body (upper human and lower horse) are thin and healthy, some curves present on her human half. Being a centaur, she is a tad more voluptuous than the average human girl when it comes to the chest region, and of course other regions since that is her horse-orientated half. Her tail is the same white color as her hair, long and flowing, while her fur is a smooth and chocolatey brown in color. The clothing that she tends to wear covers up her human half, often tending to show her stomach still, but she does not where much on the horse part of her body since there has yet to be much made for her species. (She does not have nor does she wear the sword that is on her back in the photo)
Personality: Chou is surprisingly shy and flusters rather easily as well. It isn't very difficult to bring a blush to her cheeks or make her shy away, especially when it comes to compliments and things as such. In addition to this, she can be quite complimentary herself at times and extremely apologetic if she does something wrong. She is said to be quite the push over, and sadly, it is kind of true. She hates to disappoint and is pretty easy to take advantage of as a result. Despite being a centaur, she is very gentle and would never intentionally hurt someone. She does her best not to bother anyone and minds her own business frequently. Even though she wouldn't ever hurt someone intentionally (without reason), she is rather protective over those she loves and gets attached to. With all of these traits combined it is fairly clear that she gives off an innocent aura and possesses a sweet personality, trying her best to treat everyone around her with kindness and a care. In fact, she has an almost motherly aspect to her.
Likes: She enjoys cooking and nice walks in the forest near her house, sometimes even an invigorating run. She also finds interest in keeping her living space tidy and clean so she doesn't feel dirty or unorganized.
Dislikes: She hates being insulted because of her size and species, especially when one is quick to point out her more voluptuous parts.
Backstory: Chou was originally born in a small clan, or herd, of other centaurs only a year before the war involving monsters and humans. This was the only time that all monsters teamed up together to overpower the humans, vampires being at the top of the social system in their conjoined social state. After the war had passed and monsters were able to come out of hiding and live amongst the humans in peace and serenity, her herd broke up and moved to their own special homes the government had built. This included Chou and her parents, and she has lived with humans since she was 5 years old. However, she was homeschooled up until high school, where she then started to go to a private monster school. This prevented any issues between humans and monsters as teenagers, since most human teenagers did not yet understand many of the differences between them and their hybrid counterparts and how different simple gestures could be. Such as a pat on the back to a human and a light pat on the back of a centaur, this would spook someone like Chou and cause her to run by instinct.
Other: Chou is easily startled/surprised if she isn't expecting something.

Scenario 1: (For non-humans)
You were just starting your senior year of high school and had just arrived at your new school (you can have been homeschooled or just previously been going to another monster school). You stepped through the front gates and then made your way to the entrance. Once you got inside, you went to the office and got your schedule and ID before quickly heading to your first period class with quite a bit of time to spare. There was only one other person already in the class, a centaur girl at the back of the class. She was laying down beside a desk, seeing as she wouldn't be able to sit in the more human-sized desks without either hurting herself or breaking the desk. She had been reading a book and had yet to notice the other presence in the room.

Scenario 2: (For humans)
You were just enrolled in a brand new school for senior year, a private school that you had never heard of. When you arrived and got your schedule and all else, you looked around the empty halls. After all, you had gotten there early. Then you heard the soft clicking of what sounded to be high heels against the tile flooring. But that isn't what it turned out to be as you saw a centaur girl, something you had never seen before, round the corner. She had books held neatly in her arms and her eyes widened a fraction at the sight of you standing there and staring. She stopped in her tracks and blushed a bright red before turning around and going the other direction.

Scenario 3:
Make one up! Make sure I approve it if you choose to do this.

-Please no angels/demons
-Please be male
-And you need to be 18 to fit the 'senior in high school' bit.

**if you have concerns, ask me if I'll accepted something that goes against these requirements. Sometimes under certain circumstances I will**

Ethnicity: (optional)
Backstory: (optional)
Other: (optional)


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