~The Sexy Guitarist~

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Name: "Well... Aren't you friendly... Walking up to a random stranger." She acknowledged with a raised brow. (Chandler Evans)
Age: "Growing up sucks, kids. Don't do it." (21)
Gender: "Seriously...? I know I have short hair, but I don't have a flat chest." (Female)
Species: "Excuse me...? Do I have a tail?" (Human)
Height: "Okay why do these things matter?" She asked while rolling her eyes. (5'6")
Personality: "Apparently I have the 'I give no fucks at all' kind of vibe. But piss me off, and you better run." She said with narrowed eyes and a heated glare. (True to her word, she isn't someone you want to piss off. She's definitely got a short fuse and angers easily. But, much like someone with Tsunderish tendencies, underneath the tough shell that she puts up is a loving and caring person. But, getting passed that she'll is very hard to do since she hardly ever takes it down.)
Likes: "I could care so much less about this stupid interview... I like music, okay?" (She also has a soft spot for children and will often stop what she's doing to give one an autograph. That and she likes big dogs)
Dislikes: "Getting bothered by crazy people." (That and she's kind of picky with food. She hates nuts and many fruits, but she likes most vegetables in replacement for those.)
Appearance: "It is up there. Or down here."

Other: "Not really

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Other: "Not really." (She's a new star in pop culture, at the beginning and highlight of her music career.)

Scenario 1:
Chandler leaned against the railing as she stood on the roof to your work place, just needing somewhere high up and quiet to think in peace. And that's what she found, high up, and quiet. Her guitar case rested on the floor beside her as she looked over the city with a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "What a sight..." She mumbled just as you walked up to the roof and opened the door from the stairwell to take a breather away from work. You see her, one of the latest stars in pop culture, dressed the way she is, right before you. (She is dress like in the media)

Scenario 2:
Make it up.

Other: (optional)

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