Chapter 2: Naïve.

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"Yukino..we're sorry." I hear Sting's voice say behind me as I enjoy my beverage.

"What, why?" I ask him as he nervously tries to get the answer out.

"Exactly that, your so clueless, naïve and weak, I'm kicking you off my we have lady Minerva already.


"I understand, Sting." I whisper and quickly look for a job to keep everything off my mind.

He called my naïve? Weak? Kicked me off just for that? Pathetic .

I snatch one that's far away from this damned place without getting it stamped.

Next he'd kick me out Sabertooth for being to nice.

Welp goooodbye my so called home Sabertooth.

The job a picked up was one in Crocus to defeat a band of dark wizards.

I just hope I never return.

Not that they'd care I'm too weak after all. Like in the's like that all over again, my worst nightmare.

I mean the nerve! I have three very powerful zodiac keys including the unknown 13 constellation. I worked my butt of retrieving that one.

At least no sick Dragon Slayers to deal with when I go on the train to Crocus + Crocus is a nice place to be I'm sure no one would mind if I stay there.

I sigh. The old master kicked me out the Guild for losing...Sting stood up for me then. What a freakin liar.

Maybe I'll go on a journey to find my sister. (Takes place a little before she meets up with her in the manga.)

Thinking about all these negative thoughts I'm already off the train from Sabertooth.

Now where are all these bad guys?


"So do you think she fell the prank?" Rouge snickers as he chats with Sting behind their bar.

"I dunno let's find out!" Sting whispers back.

"Yukino?!" They both call out but no reply.

"Do you think she left for the day?"  Sting asks his buddy Rouge.

"Probably, we'll just tell her it was a prank in the morning."

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