Chapter 4: A new beginning?

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🔱Lucy's P.O.V🔱

It was by chance me and Yukino took the same job and for the same reasons too, and by chance the black skulls were attacking the princess of Fiore. Well it's not everyday you get to save royalty!

For some reason me and Yukino as a team we're stronger we defeated the bad guys no time flat but afterwards we complained about heading back to our 'family' and then an unfamiliar voice was heard..?

"Who's that!" I yell at nothing.

"Behind all of you."

We all spin around to come face to face with stunning beauty. She had platinum blonde hair and golden shiny eyes, she had a slim curvy figure and an outfit like a goddess with her hair pulled back in a graceful pony tail.

"Before you ask any questions I have the ability to read minds, one of the many unique skills that are possessed in the Guild Celestial Claw." She explains all of us in awe.

"I'd like you three Celestial wizards to join since I heard all your thoughts and you seem unhappy."

We're to much in shock to speak. I've never heard of the Guild Celestial Claw anyway.

"I'll help you become strong."

This his when Hisui stands up and agrees, reluctantly me and Yukino do too.

Screw Fairy Tail I'm now part of a better Guild. And yes, can we really trust a stranger? It's better then trusting Natsu.

She comes closer and removes our former insignias. (Except for Hisui 'cause she doesn't belong in one so far.)

"I'm Stella second in command of said Guild. Now you must think of fake names so your old friends and enemies don't notice you."


"Aurora Glow." I confidently say.

"Fawn Angel." Yukino says right after.

"Jade Oak." Hisui finally says.

"I can see these names in a way relate to your original names." Stella comments. (It took a lot of google searching)

"Follow me to your new home, a new beginning."

As we follow her into the shadows we find out the history behind Celestial Claw.

"We're currently a new Guild but are going after next years Grand Magic Games with high hopes to win and make a name for ourselves. Our Guild consists of powerful space-type magic users as for me I not only read mines but can use the power of the sun and as for you, you'll get stronger in Celestial magic and learn a few spells in Angelic magic, that only Celestial wizards under the proper training can use.

She stops talking and walking for a second and we all bump into each other.

"What is it?" Hisui or now Jade asks.

"Hahaha. I forgot I brought my Celestial Claw mark stamp with me, so I'll make you an official member now!"

It wasn't very flattering considering we are currently in an dark alley way.

"So Aurora what colour and where?"

"Dark blue and the left of my collarbone." I reply pointing at the exact location.

She stamps it on and I see how pretty the symbol is. It's a star but around it are claws hence the name. Fierce and cute!


"Light blue on the right of my stomach."

"And finally Jade?"

"Green on my left shoulder."

"There ya go! Now your officially part of a new family!"

We all high five each other. "We can even from a team together!" Jade smiles.

"That'd be awesome!"

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