Chapter 19: To forgive and forget. {Final}

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⭐️No ones P.O.V⭐️

Everyone and I mean everyone were surrounding the two. Everyone stricken at the sudden turn of events; anger suddenly turned to despair.

🔱Lucy's P.O.V🔱

I throw myself on the pink headed idiots dead body. No one could use the phrase cry me a river and get over it. For you couldn't even build a bridge big enough for the infinite ocean of my tears.

I kept on repeating sorry over and over like a mad man hoping this would all be a prank on his part and he'll wake up.

I now hold him in a close embrace his face was yet so peaceful.

I can't believe he'd die for me...and all this time I was for sure he didn't give two fucks about me, who would? I faked my death causing grief and on top of that tried to kill him despite him begging for forgiveness. Well he's gonna get it.

"Natsu....I'm sorry...I'M sorry...I'll beg for forgiveness like you begged for yours and...I forgive you, but why should I? You did nothing wrong."

I continued my voice cracking a bit.

"Maybe by calling me weak you gave me the power to find that strength inside me the strength inside me all along was you."

"Ever since that day I met you I fell in love with you. By calling me weak I can get through almost anything, by calling me weak you taught me a lesson. You may think I'm strong now but I never was. I was never strong to defend the ones I hold close to me."

Now I'm almost in a pool in my own tears. My eyes bloodshot from crying.

"That's all I am, that's all I'll ever be....weak."


"But I don't care 'cause I'll be weak with you."

"I love you." And the single tear came out I couldn't cry anymore I already cried all them away.

As I said I love you and the tear drop fell it was a warming  surprise to see his charming onyx eyes.


I was to shocked and happy to speak I just pulled him into a kiss that he accepted.

The others were on the brink of tears and were awing and applauding.

"I'm sorry..I forgive you will you forgive me?" I cry.

He answers by pulling me in another kiss.

"My weak Lucy."

I softly laugh. "My strong Natsu."

The end.

I hope you enjoyed these last touching two chapters I may or may not have cried an ocean myself 😭😭😭 if you like my stories make sure to follow me for more and not just NaLu.

And that was the never ending (kinda) story of an weak girl who fell in love with an equally strong boy.

For you see your not truly weak until you stop standing to either protect your Nakama or stand along side them.


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