Chapter 15: Who's weak now?

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🔱Lucy's P.O.V🔱


What shows up on the empty screen doesn't surprise me.

Me. Well...Aurora Glow.


Question 1: Who's Aurora's two best friends?

Yukino's hand shoots up. "Me and His-I mean Jade!"

And the check mark symbol shows up on screen meaning we've won a point.

Question 2: What's Aurora's style in clothing?

Stella attempts to answer that. "Well orginally was girlish with skirts and ribbon in her hair but now her hair is faded her eyes are more golden them chocolate and she wears cargo pants and a tank top." She thoroughly answers making me mentally face palm.

She could literally blow this whole disguise thing.


Question 3: Her favourite beverage?

And again Stella is the first to answers

"She used to like strawberry vanilla bit ever since she joined our Guild she likes mango.


Question 4: Does Aurora has a crush?

Aaaand Stella is quick to answer this...

"I mean it could be that guy from--" I really quickly run up to her and cover her mouth till she gets the idea.

"Um." She nods her head for a yes.


I so do not..

Question 5: Is Aurora good or evil?

Hisui answers finally not Stella.

"Around people she despises and betrayed her she can get evil."


Damn straight.

Question 6: What type of magic does she use?

Stella answer this but this time I don't blame her...till I hear her answer.

"She used to have ten keys as a celestial wizard but since she met us she learned angel and stellar magic."


Close enough.

Question 7: Is Aurora weak?

We all shake our heads and the crowd hesitantly agrees.

Question 8: Does she keep secrets.

We look at each other and Jamie answers.



Final Question: Is she dead?


No one had to answer...

🔥Natsu's P.O.V🔥

This girl...Aurora really reminds me of...Lucy.

And I can tell my the others expression they think so too.

🔱Lucy's P.O.V🔱

After a couple rounds of that boring game Stella insisted we get take out for the whole Guild since we won that round and of course me Yukino and Hisui couldn't let her down.

Since it was the middle of the night we all went back to original forms and appearance also 'cause we missed seeing ourselves but we did keep out clothes and guild mark of CC but other then that our figure, hair and eyes were back to its original state.

But we're not dumb so we put on CC's dark cloaks on to cover ourselves.

When we thought we were alone we stopped at the exact place we met Stella to catch our breathes.

But there was something we didn't know.

🔥Natsu's P.O.V🔥

Me and the team are taking a walk for no reason except to cool off steam from those CC brats.

That's when i see three figures I recognize from Celestial Claw.

Maybe I'll ask that middle one how they cheated.

"Hey ya know how'd you win that rigged game?"

I pull of the cloak and my heart stops.


She stares me dead in the eye. Those chocolate brown eyes that I missed to death.

But why is she wearing Aurora's clothes...?


"Who's weak now?"

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