Chapter 16: Second chance?

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🔱Lucy's P.O.V🔱

"S-So Luce your Aurora?"

I hesitantly nod.

"H-How could you lie?" Erza follows up.


"How could you betray me?" I snap back at her in a cold tone.

"You said you killed Lucy." Natsu almost says relieved.

"I did." I continue. "She died the day you broke her heart."

He now looks hurt almost sorry.

Gray steps in. "Does that mean--"


I knew what he was gonna ask.

"Jade and Fawn...they are Hisui and Yukino and my true family."

"So you did defeat Black Skull on your own?" Erza stupidly asks.

I snap.

"Shut up with all these stupid questions I'm not weak so just zip it!" I angrily yell at the four.

"S-sorry Lushee...c-come back to us." Happy whines.

I them remember the time me and natsu first met, the day I fell in love with him.

"You just want me back cause of my new powers!" I argue back.

"In fact I quit the GMG! I can't stand seeing the face of assholes!" I the turn around with Yukino and Hisui following me.

"Wait Luce come back!" Natsu yells trying to go after me.

"The names Lucy!"

"Just give me a second chance!" He continues.

"So you can break it all over again?!" I cry my two true friends trying to comfort me.

"Lucy.." Natsu whispers near me while the rest are behind to give us some time. Eventually it's just me and Natsu.

"Go away." I say sternly.  "Ya know I care for you?"

"Tch, really? Ever since Lisanna came back you've ignored me."

"It doesn't change the fact I've always loved you and still now and forever now."

"Well I don't."

He laughs for some reason.

"What?" I softly say reminding me and him both of the old Lucy.

"Who's that crush of yours then?" He nudges me in the arm.

I blush and look away. "It's hard to forgive you anyway..."

"Luce. Come back to your home we still love you."

"I already have a family..." I roll my eyes.

"Just stay with me." He keeps his ground.

This is when I look deeply into his charming onyx eyes.

The same eyes that brought me to my old home the eyes that betrayed me the eyes I love.

I could stay in CC and still love Natsu...right?

Instead of awaiting his answer he kisses me lightly on the lips.

My eyes widen and my eyes water. I pull away and run away.

I can't processes's too much.

Can I give him a second chance?

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