Chapter 7: Lucy's Spirit?

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🔥Natsu's P.O.V🔥

"I'm going to check Luce's house to see if she's there!" I yell at the Guild making my way to her house.

"She's dead Natsu! Except it!" Gray yells back sitting next to Cana at the bar.

Ever since her and Yukino and Hisui's deaths Fairy Tail hasn't been the same. Gray and Natsu don't fight nor call each other names, Erza avoids eating any type of cake, Cana's substitute is apple juice, Juvia has gotten over Gray, Levy quit reading, Droy quit eating, Carla is nicer, Happy hates fish, Mira stops smiling, Elfman doesn't talk about manly stuff and Nab actually goes out on missions.

The whole Guild was turned upside down.

Finally Natsu arrives at the blondes house.

But what he didn't expect was to find a pink headed familiar looking person in a maids outfit packing all her stuff.

It was Virgo. But what was she doing here if Lucy is dead?

Virgo only seems to be packing her stories and other related writing stuff.

I guess it makes sense considering Virgo was close to her and wanted to keep something of hers.

Maybe I should ask!

"Hey Virgo! What ya doing here? Lucy's..gone." I start out cheery but the sentence ends in sadness.

"Oh, I thought you didn't care for the princess so I was just packing a few of her things...for me to remember her by." Virgo explains with no emotion.

"Um shouldn't you be in the spirit realm since your master died?" I question.

(One day Natsu uses his brain!)

"Well um erm, I'm using my magic energy for this occasion.." Virgo answers sheepishly avoiding eye contact as she continues packing.

"Well in that case I could help you pack her things to the spirt world!" Natsu shrugs it off picking up a cardboard box.

"Umm well I'm finished packing!" She rushes out as she grabs everything and suddenly poofs away as if she teleported.


"Ooh, I can tell the Guild I saw Virgo!" I cheerfully say to myself. I actually haven't been cheerful since Lucy left us.

I run into the Guild and yell the news.

"I saw Virgo at Lucy's!" I holler getting everyone's attention.

But soon after they look away and some giving glances as if I were crazy.

Gray mumbles under his breath while playing a card game with Elfman, us eyes on his cards. "Virgo isn't there Natsu, without a celestial owner she can't. Impossible."

Using my dragon senses I can hear him. "But it's true I saw her!"

This time Erza speaks up. "Zip it Natsu you must've haven't had enough sleep seems as if your crazy."

Humph fine I know what I saw!

♍️Virgo's P.O.V♍️

As soon as I hear Natsu was going to help me I teleport back to the princess.

In the moment she's laying on her bed peacefully still awake.

"I ran into Natsu, hime".

"Interesting.." Lucy mutters under her breath as she takes the boxes of her belongings.

"Thank you Virgo, you may return." She says force closing my gate.

🔱Lucy's P.O.V🔱

What the hell was Salamander doing at my old place?

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