Chapter 13: Slide of love 2.0

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🔱Lucy's P.O.V🔱

After Gray and Lyons battle, Kagyura and Yukino's battle (heh twice in a row) and Juvia and Jura's battle it was time for the teams and Guilds to take a break and relax for the day; most heading towards the pool area.

CC had decided to join in the fun maybe getting other Guilds not including FairyTail.

It was the exact same as last year even though Natsu did destroy all of it last year. The only thing different was the love tunnel--the huge heart Natsu got stuck on was missing.

The first thing I notice I'd Juvia dragging Gray to said slide.

"Well I see they kept the slide of disaster." I mention pointing at the death trap I was stuck in with the stalker last year.

"Let's just hope it doesn't happen again..." Yukino comments almost laughing at the memory when she saw the whole fiasco.

The rest of the teams notice us and start to get a little tense.

I roll my eyes and keep walking.

I think to kick of this break I'll drink a nice refreshment while dipping my feet in the pool.

After ordering the drink I seat myself next to the decretive rocks and palm trees. Here you can see all the Guilds and teams actually getting along.

Then I notice a Salamander toying around the slide which of course can't me a good thing.

"Hey Aurora wanna check out that big slide?" Hisui asks lending a hand to help me up.

I shrug my shoulders. "Sure why not, but alone." since the slide she was talking about was the one and only slide.

We both make our way the huge stairs and are about to hop in when.......

You guessed it..

The pink headed idiot manages to knock Sting and Yukino who just so happened to be there, himself me and Hisui.

And guess who I got stuck with?

Sting. Jk Natsu.

He doesn't know it's me and instead thinks I'm a cold blooded killer so naturally he's a freaking out.

"Great I'm stuck with a murder!" He sighs crossing his arms as my ginormous boobs squish his face.

"Great I'm stuck with a Natsu." I snap back as we both get tenser and tenser. (Auto correct put in tender but whatever xD)

I look and see Yukino got stuck with Sting who is also freaking out.

Poor Yuki....

Just after the slide gets slippery and faster as we head farther down.

Before all panic breaks out Hisui is stuck with Juvia who is trying to strangle her and a lonely Gray at the top of the slides stairs.

I then feel warm arms wrap around me. I'm shocked confused and...happy...?

I tear slips down my eye.

"Why are you crying?" He asks me disgusted.

"I'm allergic to assholes, sorry..." I softly reply as if it wasn't a burn but it totally was.

As I almost slip out the ride his grip tightens and I eventually wrap my arms around him blush spread across both of our faces.

In a split second we remember who we are to each other and push away and that's when we both splash into the water and all I can hear are muffled sounds but the one sound I can hear loudest is my heartbeat.

SORRY it's been like 3 days which probably isn't a big deal but I've been way to caught up in Steven Universe...
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