Chapter 3: Snobby.

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Hisui's P.O.V

"My dear princess Hisui, do you mind picking up a package for me?" My father the king of Fiore asks.

I nod and head out even though I most definitely wanted to step a foot outside the castle. Why? The commoners. Don't get me wrong I love them, their my subjects they just despise me after all I am a princess and after the GMG it just got worse.

I don't even try to put on a cloak to cover my face anymore. I just walk past all the insults and boos. Arcadios was sent to a war zone and we haven't heard back from him so that threw me in a depressed state.

Being the queen of a land is not as glamorous as anyone thinks.

"Oh, look it's the princess! What's she doing here? Shouldn't she be inside the castle getting pampered and laughing at commoners deaths?!" I hear one guy shout to another.

"She's the reason half of Crocus was destroyed! Does she even care?!" Another yells back.

"I heard she uses the worst kind of magic, Celestial magic! Plus she doesn't even have a zodiac key! No wonder she has soldiers to protect the wrench! She's weak!"

The last persons statement really gets to me. None of what the villagers said was true. I care, I don't laugh at deaths I cry, I'm a celestial mage yes, I'm weak...yes.

It's almost night by the time I retrieve my dads package from the post office so I decide to take a breather and sit by the local park.

But to my surprise there dark figures come from the shadows. And I recognize the symbol on their jackets.
The black skulls.

She's weak. She doesn't even have a zodiac key!

I drop to my knees in defeat.

I can't fight.

"Leave the princess alone." I hear two voice boom at the exact same time.

I look up to see two celestial mages like me fighting them, they were winning.

"We'll make you pay!" The blonde says while she pulls out a golden key.

"Open, gate of the lion: Leo!"

A zodiac spirit...

The second one with short white hair also summons her spirits.

"Open, gate of the twin fish: Pisces!"

Another one...

In just a couple short minuets they were down.

"Aww man I don't wanna go back to my Guild.." They both sigh at the same time again.

They belong to Guilds..

"You don't have to." An unfamiliar voice booms. "And neither to you Hisui."

My eyes widen at the mentioning of my name.

Who is this?

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