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Disclaimer: I don't have a snapchat nor do I know how snapchat works so I have no idea how long the videos are but this is cute so I have to. HEAD FIRST INTO THE ABYSS

It was a boring Sunday afternoon until I heard laughter coming from down stairs. I put some pants on and ran down the stairs to see what it was. I emerged into the kitchen to see my boyfriend with his foot on top of my old soccer ball. He didn't notice me but he looked adorable trying to figure out the right footing to kick it. I pulled out my phone and opened snapchat. I immediately snapped a video.

"What are you doing?" I said as I hit record. Alex looked at me and laughed.

"Playing soccer!" I giggled at his remark.


"Because I'm bored." He said as he finally had the right footing and kicked the ball, allowing it to hit the bottom the chair in the living room with was right in front of us, you see, it had no door, it was just and open wall in front of it, so the target wasn't exactly hard to hit.

"Oooooohh" Alex said in celebration. And along with that he did a celebratory dab to wrap it up.

I finished the snap and entitled it "Awwww" and laughed as a posted it and shut my phone of. (Are the little black bars on snaps called titles? Ya know the little bars with the lettering on it? Here I'll give you an example:

 (Are the little black bars on snaps called titles? Ya know the little bars with the lettering on it? Here I'll give you an example:

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Ya see? Titles! This isn't mine by the way, I don't have a snapchat)

"You're adorable. Did you know that?" I said after I shut my phone off.

"Wanna watch a Disney movie and cuddle up on the couch?" He asked. My god could Alex be any cuter?

"Lilo and Stitch?" I asked, knowing how much he loved that movie.

"Frick yeah!" I giggled and looked at him adoringly. When you live with Alexander Hamilton, days are never boring.

Awww this was fluffy. Imma go to sleep now but expect oneshots tomorrow Kay? Oh and tomo I might be typing on a compooter so the quality might increase. Byeeee!! Weirdo OUT!

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