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So this is the first request, which was requested by Squip_ I realized while editing that I had altered the request to John as Eliza and Alex as himself, but I would have to change the whole story and I've already been procrastinating on this for a while, so I'm really sorry that I twisted your original request! Aside from that, enjoy!

John leaned against the snack table, one hand in his pocket and the other cradling a red solo cup filled with punch. He looked at the others dancing and talking and having fun, and suddenly he wished he'd brought a date, instead of just going for the hell of it.

After five minutes of staring at the holographic letters in the wall that spelled out PROM! and having occasional, meaningless conversations with his two friends next to him, the doors of the gymnasium opened.

A man in an emerald green tux emerged from the doors and shuffled awkwardly into the gym. He had long black, greasy hair that was pulled back into a bun on the top of his head, and dark eyes that studied the people as if they were noting every single detail.

John was bewildered, to say the least. He had never seen him around school before, which John thought was absurd considering his absolute beauty. He was sure that he would definitely notice someone that handsome before, but he had no memory of the boy who had just entered.

They made eye contact for a quick moment, and John immediately looked away. Next to him, John's friend, Lafayette, was glancing between the two with a smirk on his face. John nudged him.

"This one's mine." He said, trying to sound like he was actually going to built up the confidence to talk to him.

Lafayette snorted and strode up to the newcomer who was still awkwardly standing near the entrance like his feet were glued to the floor. John watched their exchange nervously from afar, praying that his close friend wouldn't embarrass him.

"He's not going to do anything bad, John. You know he wouldn't." Said the other boy who had accompanied John, Hercules. Hercules wore a classic black tux and a black headband to go with it, and he had been blissfully unaware of Lafayette's staring all night.

"I hope you're right." John muttered as he anxiously watched their conversation. The boy looked over at John and John felt his stomach do a gymnastics routine that would put Gabby Douglas out of business. He did an awkward wave and mentally cursed himself.

Suddenly, he began walking over. John just stood there like a houseplant, watching as he came closer and closer. And the worst part? He kept getting cuter with every. Single. Step.

Finally, the boy approached. John, still frozen in his place, stayed silent as Hercules and Lafayette watched.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton, or Alex, for short. Nice to meet you." The boy, Alex, stuck his hand out for John to shake.

"Hi. I-I'm J-Jonathan Laurens, or John. N-nice to meet you too." John shook Alex's hand quickly, praying to every god there is that Alex didn't notice his sweaty palms.

John and Alex began having small talk which went in several different directions. John would tell his two friends what they talked about, but all he knew is that when he left prom that night, there was a phone number scribbled on his arm in purple sharpie and it was time to stop reblogging those "forever alone" posts on Tumblr.

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