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Modern AU where Alex and John are partners for a school project and bond over John's lil squirtle turtle.

I have been trying to talk to John Laurens ever since he transferred here from South Carolina. He has beautiful long ginger hair which is commonly pulled up into a pony tail. His big brown eyes are constantly filled with excitement at whatever he does. His slight southern drawl was one of my favorite aspects of him. He came out as gay last year. Which gives me a chance. But I don't actually know he likes me.

There's still a chance.....

The thought rings through my head as I make my way to science class.

I scribble down my science notes waiting for her to announce partners for our new project.

"Okay class, so today I am announcing partners for the upcoming science fair!" Mrs. Callie's heavy Californian accent tainted her voice. The class looked up from their notes to see her smiling with her hands clasped together. ((A/N: stop commenting about whether or not you think Californians have accents!))

"Okay, so first up, Alexander..... " To Alex, it felt like five years before she said who he was with. "And John."

Alex had a whispered moment of celebration under his breath. He looked at John to see the freckled boy staring back at him. The way his eyes sparkled made a light rise and the dark haired boy's chocolate irises.

John realized he was staring and looked back at his "notes". John didn't have the best participation grades for science. Mostly because he was really bad at this. His "notes" were just drawings of turtles and the words Mr. And Mr. Hamilton-Laurens

The bell rang and the students rushed out of the bland classroom, John being a little faster then usual. He considered the fact that he and Alex literally were just staring at each other really awkward. John had been crushing on Alex since the third grade. His liking of Alex progressed into something more since then.

Alex had lost the ginger haired boy he had been trying to talk to in the wave of students that rushed over the hall way in an apocalyptic way.

"John? John?" Alex yelled as he was rushing through the hallway.

He finally came up to the taller boy and he looked oddly surprised at the fact that Alex had actually tried to talk to him.

"So um- what would you like to do for the science project, you could uh- come over to my house tomorrow?" Alex managed to get the words out, feeling flustered, sick and clouded as the butterflies erupted in his stomach.

"Well I- um.... I really can't tomorrow my dad is coming home from a business trip tomorrow, but I um- I am f-free today, s-so, you- you could maybe walk home w-with me?" John said the last part obviously afraid that Alex would say no. "I I mean you- you don't have t-to if you don't want to I mean um......." John trailed of nervously.

Alex pursed his lips. "Yeah, yeah sure I- I'm free today. Sure, that would be great!" Alex said that a bit too excitedly.

"Okay, good! See you after school!" John scurried of to lunch.

John waited at the door hoping Alex wouldn't stand him up. A couple seconds later Alex appear in the hallway and smiled. John felt his stomach do a backflip.

"So what do you want to do for the project?" I ask Alex as we get to my room.

"I have ideas but you have a turtle so that's obviously more important so let's talk about that." Alex pointed to the small glass cage with a small green turtle who some how appeared to be smiling.

"Oh- um- ha his name is squirtle." John giggled at the fact that he was so amazed at his turtle.

"Really? You like Pokémon?! Do you have Pokémon Go?!" Alex exclaimed.

"Yeah! I play on my walk to school everyday! Did you know our school is a Pokéstop?!" John replied excitedly.

"Yeah! I refill everyday when we get here! I like never run out!" Alex was really happy that they were getting along.

Bye the end of the night, John and Alex were best friends. And that was only the beginning.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my very first Lams oneshot! By the way this was partially inspired by a tronnor one shot by LivyLizzie just so she doesn't see this and figure out a way for her and Brenda to kill me over the Internet. Anyways, bye! Talk to ya in my next one shot my fellow Hamiltrash!

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