Trees Part Two

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Look at me being all generous and giving you guys two updates in one day!

The beautiful man raised an eyebrow. "Hello?" He said, obviously confused as to why a stranger would just come up and talk to him.

"Uh, I'm John. I-I used to see you at the park a lot, you know, um up in the trees. I should've said something, but I didn't work up the courage to until you stopped coming and I saw you here and I thought 'Why not?' And I'm rambling. Sorry." John rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

The man gave John a weird look. "So you just watched me there? For over a month? Yikes. That's creepy."

John's smile faded. "No I wasn't s-stalking you or anything like that I-I just saw you crying and I didn't know what to say so I guess I just... sat there." John stared at his shoes awkwardly, realizing how creepy he sounded.

"Well, I'm Alex." John looked up at him and smiled.

"Nice to finally meet you." John and Alex stood there talking for a while, until someone asked them to move. They disbursed, allowing the woman to walk through.

That day, John came home with a number in hand and a kiss on the cheek.

John didn't know what happened, it was all a blushing blur, but there was one thing he did know: he was in love.

(Sorry this is so short, I just thought I better finish this before I forget to do part two.)

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