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                                          Alex's POV

I looked up from my laptop as my best friend, John, walked into the room, clearly nervous about something. John and I have been friends for years, so I know  all of his little habits and quirks that tie in with his emotions. For example:

- Nervous: He'll play with his hands.

-Anxious: He'll rapidly shake his leg.

-Exited: He'll chew on his fingernails.

-Sad: He'll keep running his hands through his hair.

Etc.  John sat down on my couch next to me. 

"Hey Alex, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked, not meeting my eyes.

"Yeah sure what's up?" I replied, trying to sound as comforting as possible.

"So do you maybe wanna like- I mean, this Saturday, do you wanna go sho-" I knew exactly what he was gonna say, so I cut him off, saying "No no no no no I am not going!"

"C'mon Alex, it'll be fun!" 

"No! It won't! It never is! I hate shopping!"

"Please! For me?" John gave me that pouty face and puppy dog eyes which he did when he was begging for something.

"Fine." I gave in, sighing.

John dragged me around the store, his eyes lit up like a toddler the entire time. He looked so cute in those moments I could just kiss him! Alex! Shut up, he only thinks of you as a friend. , I mentally scolded myself

John and I eventually settled on looking for business clothes for the tons of meetings that I have and only own one suit and tie for. 

"Only a little bit more, sorry, I haven't tied a tie in a while." John apologized while fixing up my tie for me. Our foreheads touched, and my body tensed. He connected our noses, and soon our lips. Sparks flew, birds sang, and everything was right with the world.

We parted, and John  looked at me with those soft brown eyes that could tell your every emotion, his eyes could penetrate any poker face they pleased. Those great, glassy orbs could make you fall in love with just one glare, and they hit me hard the first time I saw them. John's chocolate irises make you forget about all your problems. Weather you hate him or you love him, anyone can agree that John had the best eyes. John was blessed with the type of beauty that just can't be interfered with by your opinion on him. Some people are so horrible on the inside, that it blinds you from their outside. But John, he just has something in him that just makes you feel warm inside. The world is such a horrible, horrible place. But when you look at John, you'll have faith that the world can get better. I just want to make the world strive be like him. But that would be impossible. I don't think anyone could ever be more accepting, more kind, more pure, more beautiful, more perfect than John. He is as good as it gets. The human race is home to the most perfect creation of all. And that creation is standing right here infront of me. That creation is John Henry Laurens.

Wow that was really poetic. So I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! I'm really sorry for not updating but I think I'm ready to get my head back in the game because as you read this, I'm probably working on one out of two oneshots I have planned. Byeeeee! Weirdo OUT.

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