I'm sorry

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Hello! I am really sorry to do this but, I'm completing the book. I've just lost inspiration for this book. I still ship Lams, it's just no longer my OTP. I am still a huge Hamilton fan, it's just no longer as prominent. I think it's because me and my ex girlfriend were huge Hamilton fans and she was like the other half of me. I really love her so much and just when ever I listen to Hamilton, which is something that makes me feel better, I end up turning off my shot and turning on it's quiet up town or who lives who dies who tells your story. I still really love Hamilton and I'm still part of the fandom and everyone here is so nice and supportive and so queer but support from strangers on the internet isn't enough. I might come back at one point and turn off the completed setting but that's unlikely. And I don't want you guys to be mad at her and think that this is my ex's fault because I'm the reason we broke up, I'm the reason I'm hurt, I'm the reason she doesn't love me anymore. But if you still are sad that this is the end here's a list of my other books:
•My Utter Insanity
• I Can't Draw
•Tronnor Oneshots
And there might be an Ereri one shot book coming up soon. Goodbye to all my faithful waffles. Sad weirdo OUT.

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